Christmas Prompt ~ 2019

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"Why won't any of you tell me why Satomi sent me out here with you?" Brett asked as he followed you through the woods. Liam wasn't far behind. Brett dawdled along, not putting effort in keeping up when he didn't really think he needed too.

"Because Liam summon Krampus." You said offhandedly as you stomped through the woods with a determined look on your face.

"I'm sorry did you just say..."

"Krampus, and it was accidental." Interrupted Liam who glared at Brett for a moment before continuing after you.

"So why are we here?" Brett asked as he followed.

"To speak to Krampus." You pointed out. Brett snorted and let out a laugh the pried it's way out of him.

" Listen here, Kringle. I may have gotten naughty this year, but by today's standards, naughty's nothing! I didn't get anybody pregnant, I didn't Facebook a kid to death." Brett said in a playful voice. His playful attitude escaped him when a horrible screeching echoed towards them. "Are you two sure it wants to talk?"

"Nope!" You said, turning to run past them as something huge came hurtling your way.

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