Are you mad?

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You rolled your eyes as Brett chuckled, easily dodging around you s he stole the ball. "Come on you gotta do better than that!" He laughed edging you on as you laughed and tried to get the ball back.

"Coach saw us practising the other day and he asked if I wanted to be on the team!" You gasped excitedly as you got the ball back, stopping suddenly almost tripping him as he skidded to a stop.

"Like you'd want to be on the team." He laughed and went to knock the ball out of your stick but you weren't laughing or playing along. "What?" He asked as his smile fell.

"Why wouldn't I? I've been practising with you all summer." You defended and he shrugged.

"Come on let's go some more." He jogged towards the goal and looked at you. "We've only got a few minutes before practise."

"Well I figured I would stay and try out." You mumbled, frowning when he rolled his eyes.

"You don't want to be on the team." He grumbled.

"You don't know anything!" You snapped and tossed the ball which smacked into Brett's bare chest. You growled under your breath and went to stomp away but he quickly jogged up to you and caught your stick in his hands as he tried to get you to listen to him.

"Look, it'll suck being on the team, the guys always being... well jerks because you're a girl and... " He jumped when you span to glare at him.

"So I can't be on the team because i'm a girl!" You snapped and he started stuttering out words.

"You'd be the smallest one on the team!" He said finally as he made sense. "Most of the players on our team and the opposing teams are way bigger than you! One of us rams into you too hard or knocks you flying you could get so badly hurt." He groaned when you pulled away, now ignoring him as he called after you.


"(Y/N)?" Your friend called as you waited outside the cinema for her.

"Hey, wasn't it great!" You giggled as you linked arms with her and the two of you started excitedly talking about the film you'd just seen.

You didn't notice Brett and some of the team mates, messing around, walking in the other direction. You hadn't spoken to Brett since the argument. It wasn't because you were angry, you'd understood what he meant even if you didn't agree. Brett pretended he didn't care that you no longer spent a ridiculous amount of time with him while you, acted as if Brett had never been part of your life.

It made school very awkward. Particularly for your friends. They had to put up with the private moping and the sudden change in your behaviours.

"Dude come on, if we hurry we can get in the club!" One of the team members called, bumping into your friend which was when Brett spotted you.

"Hey, it's my girl!" Brett slurred as the group stopped to start chatting with the two of you.

"Nah she's not Brett." One of them joked and he stumbled towards you, sliding his arms around you.

"Sure she is!" He gasped and looked at you, cheeks flushed and the smell of alcohol hit you. "You're my babygirl right... hey you wanna come to the club." He slurred out as he laughed, glancing at his friends who were messing around.

"Are you all already drunk?" Your friend laughed and the boys all whooped and started joking again.

"Should have seen how much Brett drank!" One of them popped up.

"Can you let me go?" You asked quietly as Brett smiled down at you. He nodded and stepped back. "We should get going."

You grabbed your friends hand and started hurrying to her car. "Hey Brett, where you going?" You heard and both of you turned to see Brett stumbling after you.

"You really don't want to come with me?" He asked looking like a sad puppy. "We could dance! I'm getting good at slow dancing too... I think!" He smiled blearily and starting dancing with himself.

"You should take him home... he is really wasted." You friend mumbled to you as Brett laughed and started humming as he danced.

"He normally holds his liquor quite well at parties." You muttered as you walked over to him and held out your hand. "Brett!" You squealed when he span you into his chest and continued to dance with you.

He continued until at some point he'd leant in close enough to lean his face into your neck, still humming, hands slipping under your jacket. "I'm gonna leave you two... to do... whatever." Your friend called, waiting for you to respond for a moment.

"Brett?" You muttered when he started to get heavier.

"Sleepy." He mumbled as he snuggled you into a tighter hug. "I made you really mad didn't I?" He asked as he pulled back.

"I mean a little mad." You answered and groaned when he squeezed you even tighter. "Look, let's just get to mine and I'll try and sober you up a bit."

By the time you'd gotten upstairs and sat Brett on your bed he'd turned from a bumbling tippsy blundering mess to a sleepy lump on your bed. You got him a glass of water and pulled off his shoes before trying to move him into a more comfortable position.

"You know it hurts when you break your bones... not me so much because I can heal quick." He mumbled as you tucked him up in your blankets.

"Well duh, Brett." You laughed as he looked at you, booping your nose as you lay on your front and pulled your laptop in front of you.

"You know if you were on the field with me during a game I wouldn't be able to stop you getting hurt." He sighed as he closed his eyes. "I don't like it when you get hurt."

"Yeah I know that, I once got a splinter and you carried me to the nurse... you cried when she got it out and it was in my hand." You giggled at him as he groaned at the memory.

"The first time we met you sneezed and smacked your head on my shoulder and got a nosebleed!" He Mumbled through the blankets as he wriggled closer, a hand snaking out of the blankets to rest on your back. "Scared the heck out of me and all the bigger kids said I'd hit you! You were so small back then... still are compared to giant Lacrosse players."

"I'm still trying out for the team." You hummed and he sighed as he looked up at you.

"Fine but I'm getting extra padding... someone bumps into you, you'll bounce." He mumbled before stretching out laying back. He stared at you for a while before falling asleep as you petted his hair.

Brett Talbot ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang