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"I was asked to the prom." You said quietly as Brett walked you home. He hummed as you both stomped towards your house. "Don't you want to know who asked me?"

"Nope. I heard about it." He sounded funny, off, as if something was bothering him. "I don't see why you'd want to go anyway."

"For the dancing and partying!" You insisted. He scoffed and chuckled as he glanced at you.

"That's it! We could dance right here!" He grabbed your hand, spinning you into his as he tried to slow dance but stumbled over his feet. You laughed and pulled away from him as he shrugged and continued to dance by himself, humming an off tone tune to dance to.

"One of the boys from the Lacrosse team asked me to go with him." You muttered and he stopped dancing.

"Really, who?" He asked carefully.

"You know, the one I like." You said shyly. He frowned, he was sure they'd already asked a girl to go and he had a horrible feeling that you'd been tricked. "I'm pretty excited!"

"You'll have to wear a dress, you hate dresses." He teased, picked you up and swinging you round over his shoulder till you squealed, you started play fighting as you reached your house and hugged him goodbye.

"See you tomorrow." He said, trying to sound cheerful. He chuckled when you turned at the door and waved vigorously with a sweet grin on your face.


Brett frowned as he looked through the dance floor. He wasn't dressed up but he thought he'd swing by the prom to see if you were having a good time. He could see the Lacrosse player who was dancing with the girl he thought he'd mentioned going with. Trying to look through the crowd for you he couldn't find you.

"Hey!" He yelled over the music as he pushed through his classmates to get to his teammate. "Where's (Y/N)?"

"Bro! She totally feIl for me asking her, it was hilarious." He said. Brett growled and had to remind himself not to toss the boy across the room. "I bet I could get her to think she would have a chance, coming with me, just won a hundred bucks."

Brett didn't say anything. Instead he stormed out of the school hall. He ran to your house, hoping he could make it with enough time for the two of you to go. It was the only reason he'd gone in the first place, to see you.

When he hopped your back fence to get to your bedroom window it had started raining. He knocked on the window but you didn't rush to open it like you usually do. He could hear you crying and he sighed.

"(Y/N)?" He called, hoping you would open the window.

"Go away Brett!" You called back. He leant against the window, the rain soaking him through until you quietly cross the room and cracked open the window.

He glanced over your prom dress, soaked through and from what he could tell, you'd made it by hand. It was heartbreaking to think one douche had ruined months of hard work and a day you'd been so excited for.

"I'm an idiot." You said quietly as you sat on your desk chair, near the window, looking down at your hands with a sob you tried to hide.

"No you're not. You wanted to have fun but those assholes are just... I'll kick their ass for you." He said and you giggled, cheering him up immensely when he saw a small smile. "I can do it really fast too, they'd never know what hit them."

"The fastest werewolf in town." You teased quietly and he howled jokingly.

"You know I've been practising my slow dance. If you don't mind a damp wolf in the house I could give you a spin." He said as he leant against the window, still getting rained on.

You invited him in, grimacing when he dropped water all over your desk, and let him pull you close so he could dance with you. 

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