werewolves are better than witches (Part 3)

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School had come to an end and everyone was fretting about picking out colleges. You'd been accepted into one that was near Greendale and had excitedly started planning out a place to live with Sabrina and her friend Rosalind.

Since finding out that you were leaving Brett had been trying to approach you. You'd hung out a few times and with Sabrina popping up and 'helping out' all of the schools sports team members had won scholarships to whichever schools they wanted to get into.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" Brett called. He started jogging over to you. His shoelace whipped out and he stumbled a little but carried on jogging over.

When he hit the steps he tripped and managed to do a sort of twist in the air that made you gasp as you clapped your hands. "Wow. That was an impressive fall!" You said as you started laughing.

"Oh, yeah. I guess someone likes me enough to give me some help." Brett shot a look at Sabrina who was scowling at him from your side. "I wanted to ask you about the college you're going to. I got a couple scholarships there!"

"Really!" You and Sabrina said at the same time. Though her tone was more irritated than yours which came out in an awkward squeak.

"Yeah. Lacrosse and basketball. Football too. I'm set for my whole course!" He said cheerfully.

"What are you going to study?" You asked and he grimaced.

"I don't know. Honestly I'm still talking about it with Satomi. It'll be weird if I go there though, without the pack."

"I'm sure they'll prosper from your absence." Sabrina said quickly.

"Yeah! They're going to be fine and you'll be fine. If you come, you'll have me and Sabrina. Two great friends!" You said cheerfully.

Brett and Sabrina shared a look as you hurried away to speak to someone else. "Ok. This is going too far." Sabrina said.

"Yeah, in my defence I thought that she knew we hated each other."

"She knows my opinion on wolves. You're really doing all of this just because you like her?"

"Yeah. Also we have a few pack members that have split off from the pack in that town near you. So two birds, one stone." Brett muttered and glanced at you as you waved to an eager boy on a blue and black Jeep.

"Peace on the whole pack issue but when it comes to (Y/N)..."

"You'll keep tripping me down stone stairs?" He asked.

"Like it'll hurt you, you're a werewolf." She pointed out and he shrugged.

"Yeah that's true. But imagine if (Y/N) found out."

"You know my powers come from the literal devil right? If we had a real fight, I would win." Sabrina said quickly.

"Well it's really down to (Y/N) to choose, not you know..."

"Hey guys, you want to go to the vets later?"

"The vets?" Sabrina asked dubiously.

"All the Supernaturals that are moving away are having a party with Deaton so we can celebrate leaving." you explained and she rolled her eyes.

"I go where you go." She answered and smiled as you looked at her happily.
"See you there Brett, Satomi said she'd been going." You said and waved at Brett as you dragged Sabrina away. Brett gave you a flirty wave while 

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