Halloween Prompt

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"Shhh!" You whispered to Lydia as you separated from the group and snuck around the other way.

"It would make more sense for us to be loud so she can sneak up on him." Stiles whispered to Lydia as they approached Liam and Brett who were waiting for the group to meet up.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Brett asked, glancing behind the group to see if you were straggling.

"BLARGH!" You shouted as you jumped out at Brett, coming up just behind him.

He stood still and glanced at the others for a moment who became preoccupied with texting Scott and Malia the right directions. You growled playfully, giggling when his eyes widened and he gripped his chest.

"You're going to scare me!" He whispered as you giggled so much you fell against him and gasped for breath.

"It's Halloween; everyone's entitled to one good scare." You said once you calmed down and he grinned, giving you a piggyback as everyone finally arrived.

"It's only just October." He said, glancing up at you and kissing your chin.

"Tis the season." You hummed out and leant your chin on his head as the group started walking through the patrols they were planning.

"It's not the season yet." Stiles grumbled and you both looked at him.

"It's spooky season!" You said in unison making Stiles give you an odd look before nodding and moving on.

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