Make you Feel Good

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"Talbot where's your shirt?" Coach called as Brett pulled on a plain green T-shirt and sighed when he looked for you on the bleachers but found you still hadn't arrived.

"Sorry Coach." He mumbled back.

You'd never missed one of his games before and he thought you'd been joking when you told him you weren't coming. He couldn't even remember what the fight was about just that it had gone on for hours and ended up with you shoving him out of your house and slamming the door on him.

"We've got this game." Someone muttered to Brett who simply shrugged.

"I guess." Was all he said back as he finished kitting up and headed out onto the field.

There was only ten minutes left of the game and the team needed three points to win. Brett had almost given up when he heard you cheering his name. Looking over he found you at the edge of the field in his shirt which hung around your knees, clapping and cheering.

In the next ten minutes Brett scored five times and set up six more of his teammates to score as well. The crowd flooded the pitch and Brett hurried over to you, grabbing you by the waist and lifting you as he grinned.

"See you're my trophy, what'd I do without you?" He asked as he pulled you close, chuckling when your feet knocked against his legs and you let him kiss you.

"I'm sorry I got so mad." You murmured into the kiss and he pulled away as he set you down.

"I'm sorry I made you so mad, come with me to the after party?" He offered and held out his hand as he grabbed his kit.

"Ok." you hummed and tangled your fingers with his.

"I should get you home before one or your parents will kill me." Brett called over the music and you crinkled your nose as you tried to convince him to stay longer. "If we leave now I promise to sneak into your room right after."

The walk home took longer than expected but when Brett delivered you safe, happy and completely sober he was quickly forgiven. You doubted they'd be so forgiving if they knew he'd rounded the house and climbed through your bedroom balcony doors before they'd closed the front door.

"Brett?" You called and he poked his head out of your blankets.

"Hey, come here." He hummed and lifted the blankets up, wrapping you up in them as he let you cuddle up with him. "You know I still feel bad about yesterday."

"It's ok." You insisted as he tilted his head and kissed your forehead, stroking his hand through your hair.

"I know how to make it up to you though." He hummed and ginned at you as he suddenly flipped the two of you over and moved under the covers, making you moan as he kissed his way down to your abdomen.

"Brett..." You trailed off with a quiet moan when his fingers twisted into your underwear and he gently kissed up your thighs, his other hand slowly trailing down your body to meet his tongue at your core.

Your hips bucked as his tongue teased the bundle of nerves, his fingers pumped into you slowly, causing your feet to dig into the bed as you squirmed and tangled your fingers in his hair. He groaned quietly when you whimpered and his eyes flicker up to see your lips parted as your fingers fisted the sheets. His grip on your thighs tightened as you came and your hips arched, flinching a little when you moaned but no one came to check on you so he kissed his way back up to your neck where he gently sucked a hickey.

"Did I make up for it?" He hummed and you nodded, grabbing his shoulder as you pushed him back and tugged off your clothes, smiling when he took a moment to stare and take you in before he let out a shaky breath and gently caressed your skin.

"My turn." You hummed and tugged his shorts and boxers off before straddling him and tucking the front of his shirt behind his head, trapping his arms as you tangled your fingers with his.

"So how exactly am I supposed to get you off like this sweetheart?" He asked as you kissed his jaw.

"You're not." You said with a quiet giggle and pushed down onto him, kissing him to keep him quiet as his whole body tensed and his eyes flickered.

"I can make it even better if i'm touching you." He groaned out as his chest fel and rose heavily.

You smiled and rode him as he looked you up and down, occasionally knocking his head back against your hands as he tried to ignore the urge to flip you both over.

"Brett! You giggled when his hips started to jerk up into you.

"I'm sorry, you're just so beautiful when I fuck you and your head falls back and you mouth opens a little and you looked at me... it's just, I love making you feel like that." He admitted and you blushed, slowing your hips to look at him.

"I don't make you feel good?" You pouted playfully and he shook his head.

"You make me feel so good but I like making you moan." He hummed, reaching up to his your neck. "You know how to make it feel even better?"

"How?" You said as you slowly started to rock against him again.

"Lean closer and move your hips like when you ride my thigh when we make out before practise." He hummed smiling when you did and your body pressed against his. "Spread you legs and then go slow."

The smile plastered across his face as soon as you whimpered, grateful for the way he gently bucked his hips to help you keep up the rhythm.

"Brett i'm..." You whimpered and let your body relax against him, head falling to the crook of your neck as he gently slid his hands down your side and gripped the tops of your thighs. His hips met your with short gentle thrusts, both thumbs pressing light circles onto your clit as you came, your moan muffled into his shoulder while he bit his bottom lip to silence his own that threatened to escape with a satisfied growl.

"I love you." He mumbled, his fingers stroking gently up and down your back as you lay contently on his chest.

"I love you too." You said leaning over to kiss him.

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