Melissa Likes Him

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"Brett!" Liam shouted as he and Mason marched across the Lacrosse field to where Brett had been packing away his kit. "What the hell is this?" He asked Brett.

"A phone?" He said and glanced between the two who scoffed.

"No the messages. You've been messaging (Y/N). I'm telling Scott." Liam said angrily and frowned when Brett shrugged.

"She was going to tell him anyway. It's not like it's his business." He answered cooly and smiled when he grabbed his back and headed off to meet with you.

When you got home after your date with Brett, which had consisted of him coaching you on math in the library, you found Scott and Liam sat at the table with your phone. "Hey! You found it, I thought I'd lost it at school." You said and smiled. Your smile dropped when you saw their faces.

"You can't date Brett." Scott said and you shook your head.

"I can date who i like Scott." Was your quick reply as you headed upstairs.

"But he's a werewolf." Liam objected as he patterned after you. "Not a good one either."

"What exactly is wrong with him?" You asked Liam as you paused part way up the stairs.

Scott and Liam both looked at each other and sighed. "We don't like him." Liam offered up and you rolled your eyes, heading into your room as they began to bicker.


You sighed as you flicked through photos of yo and Brett, a few you still had of Isaac before he left. "What's wrong?" Melissa asked as you passed your room, intending on dumping her basket of washing in Scott's room so he could tidy away his clothes.

"Scott and Liam. They're overreacting." You muttered and smiled when she came and sat on the bed with you.

She smiled as you both started looking over photos you'd taken over the years, snickering about the wolves having to turn their faces or blink at the right tie so they wouldn't ruin the pictures. "I think I can see their problem." She said when she found a picker of you and Brett sat together in the library, his head was turned against your as he nuzzled your cheek.

"I don't understand why Scott doesn't like Brett. I mean sure I get why Liam doesn't like it but... They're acting like I'm dating Peter!" You complained and Melissa snorted out a laugh as she clutched her ribs.

"You know I once almost dated Peter." She said and you gave her a horrified look.

"Mom. Don't even joke like that!" You said and giggled as she hummed in agreement with your appalled look you'd given her.

"Maybe Scott doesn't like him because he's not in the pack? Isaac was so Scott knew what he wanted. Brett could want to steal you away or..." She trailed of when you rolled your eyes.

"Take me to prom because I'm cute and smart but could use some fussing over that doesn't involve something supernatural?" You offered up and she smiled warmly.

"He's clearly a very smart young man. You tell Scott I like hi and I expect Brett to be treated very nicely. He can see my baby is smart and pretty." She cupped your face and kissed your forehead before leaving to finish up before she left for work.


"Hey!" You said to Brett who was surprised when you rushed over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Feeling brave?" Brett asked as he glanced over to where Scott and the pack were stood.

"Nope. Mom said she likes you and they have to be nice." You said sweetly and grinned when he laughed.

"At least someone in your family likes me!" He said with a dramatic gasp.

"Hey, two out of three isn't bad." You teased and laughed, until Liam shoved Brett backwards and growled.

"Liam!" you snapped and rushed to help Brett up.

"We talked about you backing off!" Liam snapped at Brett who glanced at you and decided to keep his mouth shut, though he had a few choice words he'd be more than happy to sling Liam's way.

"Scott! Make him calm down. Stiles?" You asked to the pack who were a mixture of shocked and reluctant to help.

"Liam, come on you don't want Melissa mad at you." Stiles said and rushed to jump between the two of you as Brett put his arm around your shoulders and Scott barely caught Liam in time to stop you getting caught in a fight.

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