Christmas Prompt

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You winced as Brett was knocked flying and rushed over to him while he was pulled off to be checked over. "Are you ok!" You yelped as he lay on his back making an odd wailing noise.

"You three don't need to worry." He groaned, waving a hand near your face as he tried to focus on you. "Is that mistletoe hanging from the light?" He asked, squinting up at the light above you.

"I think it is." You hummed and smiled when he seemed to start looking a little better.

"Oh well... I should give you this then." He muttered, leaning up to kiss you. He pulled away suddenly and winced. "I'm dizzy."

"You hit your head hard. I'll find more Mistletoe later." You promised as you kissed his forehead and went to tell the coach you'd go with Brett.

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now