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When Brett jogged out on the field you cheered. He glanced your way and smiled, winking as he put on his helmet. With a smile you glanced at your friend who giggled. She didn't know the full details on what happened. All she knew was that you turned up at school dating Brett Talbot.

What had actually happened was quite unusual. Or it would be for anyone who wasn't a werewolf, or a witch.

You'd found an old family book on the herbs and plants you could use for spells. It showed a crude map of where you could find them out in the woods of Beacon Hills. Of course in your excitement you forgot to read the footnote that warned you about watching for the moon in case you ran into werewolves. Rather, you'd seen it and decided that it was ridiculous that there were werewolves.

Of course when you came across a group of werewolves that were play fighting with each other in the woods. When you realised you recognised one from school you panicked. "(Y/N)?" He asked as he seemed to be elected to talk to you by others.

"Brett?" You said much in the same tone.

"You're a witch?"

"You're a werewolf?"

"Yes... how long have you been a witch?"

"Um... A while? I guess. I mean always but I only started practising recently. My Grandma said it was time but my parents didn't agree. I did!" You explained in an awkward rush. You leaned sideways to peak around him and look at the werewolf who all seemed like nervous deer caught in the headlights. You weren't entirely sure why the book had warned you about them. They didn't look very threatening.

"Well. You're not supposed to be out this way." Brett explained and you frowned.

"You can't tell me where to go!" You exclaimed and frowned at him, hugging the book closely.

"I mean... I can. You can't practise witchcraft on Satmoi's land." He said calmly. It was as if he was finding this highly amusing.

When you demanded to speak to Satomi he raised his eyebrows but complied. Then he watched you debate with her for twenty minutes as to why you should be able to practise magic all the while both Brett and Satomi knew she would allow you to. After all her rules usually applied to the individual and she was going to give you the chance to prove you weren't a threat.

As Brett walked you home you both talked, it was odd, now that you both could be open about who you are now. Brett liked to hang around but he and his sister were typically so secretive and recently you had been too. But now it was like a sigh of relief. The two of you kissed as he left you at your front door and things just seemed to flow from there.

Brett had invited you to the Lacrosse game when he saw you the next morning, anxious to have an awkward talk with you. You were excited to cheer you on and, as the game went on, you seemed to get the feeling that Brett was showing off.

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now