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Warnings: Mentions of half naked werewolves, possessive werewolves, licking?

"Hello Sweetheart." A vice drawled and you turned to glare at Aiden as he lent against your locker.

"I'd love to stay and chat but... I don't want to." You hummed and pushed away from your locker, heading over to where Liam and Brett were waiting for you.

"Such an ass." Liam growled and glared at Aiden who looked you over before heading in the other direction.

"Don't see why Scott doesn't just get rid of him." Brett added as they walked to the field and you shrugged.

"I guess he's just lonely now Ethan and Danny left... but he's totally an ass." You added when they gave you weary looks.

"Yeah, you staying for the whole practise?" Liam muttered as he glared over at Scott and Aiden.

"Just a bit, I need to talk with Lydia and she's watching Stiles." You smiled and they rolled their eyes before both hugging you.

"You shouldn't study so hard." Brett chuckled and you groaned.

"I hope Stiles trips and hits you in the face." You joked and pretended to be serious before bursting onto laughter.

"But if he does that you'd have nothing pretty to look at." Liam yelled as they jogged over to the team.

"You could always look at me." Aiden muttered, smiling when he saw you jump slightly.


"I'm telling you she's hiding something from us, she's been acting funny for weeks." Brett ranted as he and Liam continued to look for you.

"You're sure you saw her come out this way... it's the middle of the night and besides who would she be out here with?" Liam sighed and both of them stopped when they came to the dirt road that ran through the woods and found you sat on Aiden's bike as he lent down and kissed you.

"Hey!" the yell caused you to jump and you turned in time to see Liam dive through the trees and throw himself into Aiden who flew back several feet when Liam collided with him.

"Liam!" you yelped and tried to hurry and separate the only for Brett to grab you and hoist you over his shoulder. "Brett, you put me down or get him off Aiden!" You growled angrily after failing to wriggle free.

"Hey, little Beta she isn't yours so put her down." Aiden snarled as he held Liam and arm's length despite the furious punches being thrown at him.

"She is ours, she's our best friend and she has been since we were little so she's been ours longer and why are you even out in the first place." Liam seemed to be so angry that anything he could think off tumbled out of his mouth and he reluctantly stopped attacking Aiden so he could follow Brett.

"We hate him why're you out here with him?" Brett asked once Liam had finished his rant.

"Because he's kind of hot... in a werewolf sort of way." Your feet almost smacked Liam in the face as Brett turned to face him and they shared a look.

"So are we." You both yelled and you groaned.

"Yeah but in a weird best friend way... he's just I don't know it's complicated." You sighed wishfully and they both made the odd grunted growl they used whenever you'd said something you didn't like but they were giving in to save an argument.


"Have I turned into Peter Hale, why're you looking at me like that?" You asked and Stiles snorted out a laugh when you checked that you were still you.

"This is your fault." Scott snapped and everyone's glares moved from you to down the corridor where Mason and Malia were prying Liam and Brett away from Aiden who was trying not to laugh as they squared up to him.

"Hey it could be worse!" you defended and Lydia coughed and shook her head.

"Aiden's crashing at Scott's and they both broke in to um... to put it politely, leave a gift in the bathroom to show who's the boss." She muttered and your eyes widened.

"Werewolves are so gross." You mumbled and Scott huffed at you.

"They peed all the way around your house to make Aiden uncomfortable if he visits because he'll be on someone else's territory." Scott tried not to laugh as you erupted into giggles.

"I'm sorry but that's pretty funny." You gasped and your laughter seemed to attracted the attention of the 'waring wolves'.

"But on a serious note, Deaton say's they're going to have a pretty bad fight on the full moon if we don't sort this now." Lydia scolded and you rolled your eyes dramatically.

"Relax I'll fix it." You muttered.

Over the two week that led to the full moon things got intense, to the point that you'd caught Aiden walking around in his boxers for no reason other than to show off, Liam and Brett upped the game by taking turns to guard you, which meant having to share your bed with a boiling hot werewolf despite the scolding summer heat.

As revenge Aiden joined the Lacrosse team, which Malia thanked you for, because she got to watch angry half naked werewolves fighting. You finally put your foot down when Liam ran up to you in the corridor and licked you before awkwardly saluting a stunned Lydia and jogged off again.

"Did he just...?" She started but you shook your head.

"This has gone too far!" You decided and gently took the heavy book from her hands and followed the pack to the library where you promptly whacked all three with the book and handed it back to Lydia.

"Why... I'm not complaining just checking you haven't gone insane." Stiles chuckled as you glared at the three of them.

"You three have to behave or I'll... make you all watch Legally Blond." You snapped and their eyes widened.

"You mean the movie right... not the musical?" Brett asked quietly and you arched an eyebrow.

"The musical, every night until I get board of it and if you have a problem with that then fight me." You smiled when they all began to fidget.

"We can't fight you, you're all fleshy and weak... you don't heal and you cried when it was your... you know." He trailed off.

"Lady full moon?" Stiles offered and Liam nodded.

"Yeah we don't want to fight you it's our job to protect you." Aiden said with a smile and both boys looked at him like he was a genius.

"Yeah... protect you." they agreed and Scott sighed.

"Finally, I was getting sick of seeing you guys naked." Scott groaned and let his head flop onto the table. "If you guys do this again I'll give her to Peter." He added and Liam jumped up to get you a seat and hurried back to pick you up and sit you between Brett and Aiden.

"Can we stop picking me up!" you sighed.

"Fine unless you're sad or hurt, also you're going to have to set some ground rules." Aiden muttered as he kissed your temple. The atmosphere in the room changed almost instantly as Aiden's suggestion of protecting you seemed to sink into your friends and they were watching Aiden intently as if every movement was something they needed to learn.

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