100 Truths 0 Lies

116 5 4


Albert's POV

I heard a door slam. I got up from bed and I cracked my door open. Diana was crying, walking away from Jake. Jake was following behind her. I left my room and I stopped them.

"Is everything okay!?" I said in a panicked tone. "No!" said Diana. "What did you do to her?" I mouthed at Jake. He didn't say anything back. "Hey, um... why don't we just go outside and get some fresh air, Is that okay?" I asked. She nodded and I pulled her away by the arm.

I looked back at Jake as I walked away with Diana. He had this dull expression on his face. I felt my heart sink down to my stomach and I looked away from him. I don't know why but I felt bad. I should've let them situate themselves. When Diana and I got outside, I let go of her arm.

"Do you just want to walk?" I asked. "Yeah, let's walk." she said. We walked on the sidewalk while she settled down.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I asked. "Um, well... Jake wanted to tell me that he got a girl pregnant but I told him that I already knew. I got mad at him because he didn't tell me sooner so I told him to tell me everything that happened while you and I were gone... and so he did." said Diana. "What did he tell you?"

"He told me that things with him and Kirsten are awkward, he ruined his and Ally's friendship, he admitted to still having feelings for you and he used Kaden as a way to cope." she said.

"Wait, what!? Really?"

"Yeah, really."

"What is it that upsets you the most?" I asked. "The fact that he just used Kaden while I was gone. He said he got caught but he didn't stop. Also the fact that he decided to get with me even though he clearly liked other people. I just don't know if I can trust him anymore." she said.

I stopped dead in my tracks and I put my hand on her shoulder.

Kaden..? He has a girlfriend though... Jake and Kaden... No... That doesn't feel right...

Jake liked me? I though he would've moved on by now.

I sighed as I thought about what she told me.

"Look, I dont think you should stay mad at him. He was probably going through emotional pain when you were gone. He could've felt like he lost you forever. He could've missed you. He probably felt like he needed something. He probably felt like he was missing something. I know him apologizing is not enough..." I paused and I looked at Diana. She had a tear rolling down her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, making sure she was fine and she nodded.

"Listen, he was going through something. He knew he did something wrong though, right?"

"I guess..." she said.

"Well he's probably conscious of his mistakes now. Whatever he was going through must have made him do crazy things. For all we know, he could've coped in an even worse way but we wouldn't know. His only source of happiness at the time could've been Kaden."

"It's still wrong though..." said Diana as she wiped a tear off her face. "I know it feels wrong but what else could he have done to feel better. If he didn't do anything, he would've been unstable and in worse condition." I said. "Albert! He likes you! He probably still likes Kaden! He probably likes more people! Does he even like me anymore!?" she yelled. I removed my hand from her shoulder and I looked down.

"He probably told me the truth to get rid of me!" said Diana as she began to break down. "Diana! That's not true! He doesn't like me! It's okay!" I tried to reassure her. "He probably loves you!" she yelled. "Nobody can control how they feel towards someone. If he likes me, that doesn't matter. He chose to be with you for a reason." I said. She didn't say anything back after that, she just cried.

"Please don't cry! We're still out here and someone's going to hear us."

"I'm sorry!" she said. She hugged me and she cried into my shoulder. I awkwardly hugged her back as she sobbed on my shoulder. I stopped hugging her and she just put her hands on her face. She was still crying and I didn't know what to do with her anymore.

"Uh- let's just go home and get you some water." I said as I lead her back. When we got back we went straight to the living room and she collapsed on the couch. "Are you okay?" Ally asked her. "Give her a moment. She probably needs time to think." I said. "What happened?"

"I said, give her a moment."

[Hi! It's me! Sorry for the long wait! I originally wrote a chapter that was over 3k words long so I decided to break it up into pieces! I literally have no names for these chapters lol Anyways, ily have a good day/night/evening!]

♡ Pretty Boy ♡ [Jalbert] **read desc**Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon