Double Date or Breakfast with the Kids?

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Jake's POV

The rest of the drive Albert and I were silent. All we could hear was the kind music. I think I really messed up earlier. I've never argued with him like that. I feel bad. His mother already told me about his mental issues...

I told Diana that I would call her in a few minutes...

The car ride was very awkward...

Nothing but loud music and the sound of cars passing by...



"What would you do if I told you I miss Lana?"

"I... I dunno, man."

"I miss her but as a friend..."



"No, dude, you're fine. I can talk to her about that if you want me to. She is actually one of my closest friends..."

"Yeah, please talk to her about it. She always helped me whenever I was sad. I mean Kirsten tries to cheer me up at times but she doesn't really do a good job at it because she is very emotional."

"I could help you too, y'know..."

"Did you forget what happened a few minutes ago?"

"Oh, well that doesn't matter! I still want to be there for you no matter what! You're my best friend, Albert! I would never want to change that!"

"It doesn't seem like it but ok..." Albert smiled sadly. I really wanted to cry...


Albert parked the car and we just sat in there in complete silence for a few seconds before we decided to get out. We walked out and we awkwardly and silently walked over to Kirsten's car.

Kirsten's POV

I was waiting for the boys to get here in my car, talking to the camera. When I saw them approach my car I hopped out with the camera pointed up at me. They seemed upset. They were really quiet. They didn't seem like themselves. They usually talk nonstop.

"Ay! Hey honey!" I said cheerfully waiting for a response. "What happened to you guys?"

"We had a little talk." Jake finally spoke up.

"More like an argument, and a talk and a half." Albert said as he pulled his hood up.

"Ohwaitwhaaaat!? Really!? I'm so sorry about that!" I quickly responded. We're cool with each other now I think." Jake said looking down at Albert. "Yeah" Albert said as he looked back up at him. "You guys are acting weird. Let's just go inside, ok?" I was a little hangry when I said that.

We got sat down at a table, Jake was sitting beside me and Albert was sitting across from me. Weird spots, I know...

Albert ordered waffles and chocolate milk, wow, that's it! Jake ordered waffles and orange juice, are you kidding me? I ordered sunnyside eggs with bacon and a coffee. "C'mon, guyys! Y'all have been acting weird all morning and now you two are just ordering waffles and a drink." I pointed the camera at Jake. "Look, it's Jake Paul!" He kind of just chuckled and smiled at me.

I gave the camera to him and he pointed it at me."Look, it's my ex wife!" Albert looked up and gave us a look of confusion. "Hey, hey, hey, what's going on here? Don't be hitting on my girlfriend, Jake. You already talk to too many girls." Albert said sounding a bit exhausted. Jake and I were just a giggly mess. "Well who do you want me to hit on, Albitch? You want me to hit on dudes now?" "NO!"

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