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[Smut Warning??? DON'TFUCKIGREADTHIS💺🤸‍♂️]

Albert's POV

Wait, why am I leaving him there? I just yelled at him and I just run away after that? No. Albert go back. What the hell are you doing?

I stopped running and I looked back. He wasn't there. I looked around and I still didn't see him.


I walked back to the bench but there was no sign of him.


I teared up a little, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry. I love you. I don't know why I ran." I broke down, crying into my hoodie sleeve. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know why I was crying nor did I know why I ran away. It just happened with no hesitation. I wasn't in control of my body.

As I was in the middle of crying to myself, I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. With one swift move I was pulled back and turned around. I looked up at the man who had pulled me. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, looking down at me with a sad smile. I got on my tippy toes and I hugged him.

"I'm so sorry!" I said as I quickly pulled away from the hug. "I didn't mean to yell! I don't know what got into me! I just-" I said before Jake cut me off with a kiss. I kissed back pulling him in closer. We kissed until I was out of breath. When I pulled away he wiped the tears off my face.

"Don't worry about it. I'll try to do what I can about her and I."


We were walking back home in silence when I decided to say something to break the silence.

"So, how are your siblings?" I asked. "They haven't been doing very well. I've texted them and they were all worried about you and Diana. When they found out that you two were okay, they were relieved." said Jake. "Oh really?"

"Yeah! I've never even seen Jason so worried over someone. You really mean a lot to them." he said. "That's really nice of them. I hope they get better soon." I said with a simple smile. "I hope so too."

"Especially Jason, I don't think it's healthy for him to be worried about his brother's girlfriend and ex boyfriend." I said, chuckling a little.

"I-I'm sorry- What did you just say?"


"Did you just say "his brother's girlfriend and ex-boyfriend"?"

"Y-Yeah? What about it?

Jake scoffed and he gave me a funny look.

"What about "boyfriend and ex-girlfriend"?"

"Jake- are you serious?" I stopped in my tracks and so did he. "Do you wanna..?" he asked. "Yeah..." I blushed while I smiled like an idiot.

"You're still cheating on Diana so you better make up your mind about what you're going to do or I'll leave you for the last and final time." I said.

"I promise I'll do something."

"Good, now let's go."

We proceeded to walk in silence. I slowly inched closer and closer to him. I got close enough to the point where my hand was touching his. He looked down at me and we locked eyes. I smiled at him and he held my hand.


The rest of the way home we walked in silence, hand in hand. When we got home we let go of each other. Right as Jake was about to open the door, I yanked his hand off the doorknob and I kissed him one last time. He kissed back in an instant. This time the kiss was rough and passionate. After about 5 minutes I pulled back knowing that it wasn't going anywhere from there.

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