Where's Albert?

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Albert's POV

Why did he kiss me!?

"You both seem, tired..." said Jake. "I'm a little tired from running." said Kaden. I looked down at him and I smiled. "Well, we should go ahead and continue walking." I said. We continued to walk down the path. A few minutes later we found another bench and we stopped there.

"Raven texted me and she said that they are on their way back here." said Kaden. "We could wait here." I said. "Yeah, wait here and I'll go look for them." said Kaden. Kaden left and I was left with Jake. I sat on the bench and he sat down next to me.

"It's getting dark." I said. "Yeah..." said Jake.

It was silent for a little while until Jake broke the silence.

"Albert, what were you and Kaden doing earlier?"


"Stop lying, I watched you two kiss." said Jake. "He kissed me. I didn't do it." I said. "You didn't pull back though." he said. "Why do you even care? It's not like you're in a relationship with neither one of us." I said. "Isn't Kaden dating Raven?"


"That's just messed up."

"Again, why do you even care?" I asked.

"I don't, I'm just confused. Are you and Kaden a thing?"

"No- I'm not saying that it's okay though but I used to be in his shoes."

"What do you mean?" asked Jake. "I really liked you while I was in a relationship. We did things together and-" Jake cut me off and he spoke. "Can you ever stay single?"

"I can! I just really like-" I hesitated to finished my sentence. "Kaden, you like Kaden." said Jake. "No! Jake, I already told you I don't!" I yelled. "If you don't, you just pulled a bitch move on him." said Jake. "Jake, no! I didn't do anything! He just kissed me!" I yelled. "Just so you know, that night when everyone got mad at me for "attacking" Kaden, he told me that he liked you." said Jake.

"Is that why you attacked him!?" I shrieked. "No! I just got mad because he sat on me! He was just playing the victim! He was being a fucking pussy about it! It's not like I hurt him or anything!" he yelled. "Move on from it! That doesn't matter anymore! Why can't you just explain why you're asking me all these questions? What do you have against Kaden and I?"I yelled back.

"I don't have anything against you or Kaden." he said. "Then why are you asking me so many questions?" I asked. "I'm just concerned. Kaden told me that he likes you and he kissed you while he's in a relationship with Raven." said Jake. "You did more than just kiss me when I was dating Kirsten. Why is it okay for you to take it a little too far but it's not okay when Kaden kisses me? I think you're the one who's messed up." I said.

"You're right, I'm messed up. I am so sorry, Albert. Can we please just stop talking about this and forget this ever happened?"

"No, sorry. You guys can continue walking when everyone else comes back. I'll wait in the car." I said as I got up. "Albert, wait! I'm sorry!" said Jake as he held me back by the arm. I squirmed my arm around, trying to loosen his grip. "Let go! Please!" I yelled and he let go of my arm. I walked away, not looking back. I retraced our steps to get back to the parking lot. It was starting to get dark.

Am I going the right way? I'm surprised I haven't bumbed into Kaden and the girls.

I don't know what it was at first but I heard footsteps coming from somewhere behind me.

"I swear to god if I turn around and see Jake-" I mumbled to myself. I turned around but nobody was there. "Hm, nothing. He's probably playing a trick on me or something." I murmured. I stayed calm for the most part until I felt something small hit me at the back of my head. It felt like a rock.

"What the- ow!" I yelled. "This isn't funny! Jake, if you're following me like some sort of creep right now, I will end you. You better turn back now. Just stop." I said. A few seconds later a gust of wind comes in and it got pretty cold. I got shivers up my spine as soon as I felt warm air hit the top of my head. I turned around and I saw a tall man.

"Um, c-can I help you?"

"Yeah, you can help me." said the man before he hit me with some kind of stick. I didn't know what it was. I didn't see it. I fell over and I blacked out for a few seconds. I was still conscious but I couldn't move. The man picked me up and he carried me over his shoulders.

What happened? Where am I? Where is he taking me to? Who is this person?

Jake's POV

I waited for everyone to catch up and when they did they all awkwardly looked at me.

"Where's Albert?" asked Kaden. "He got pissed and he went back to the car. You guys didn't see him?"

"No, not at all." said Raven. "By the way, Kirsten is staying in the car. I'm sure Kirsten's with him right now. " said Diana. "I hope so." said Ally.

Albert, where are you?

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