Awkward Facetime

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Kirsten's POV

I was sitting in the living room watching Riverdale on Netflix, just chilling. Alone.

I got tired so I turned the TV off and tried to fall asleep on the couch. Peach and Rocky were both sleeping beside the couch. I could hear Jake's loud voice and Albert's high pitch voice screaming at each other. After a while of listening to screaming, it got dead silent. The silence was killing me. It felt weird. I liked it. It was peaceful. All the silence was interrupted by a ringing phone.

I opened my eyes and sat up. I saw a phone on the ground next to the door that leads to the garage. I got up and walked over to it. I picked it up and took a quick look at the screen. I turned the phone around to look at the case. It didn't look like Albert's phone. Maybe it's Jake's phone. Or it could be someone else's phone and I'm possibly getting cheated on. Haha, no. That's not happening.

I looked back at the screen and it said 'Mom'. I guess the person's 'Mom' wanted to facetime them. I just declined the call and walked back to the couch. I placed the phone on the couch and tried to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later the phone rings again. I pick it up and 'Mom' was still trying to facetime someone. I decided to answer the call.

"Hello?" I said with exhaustion in my voice. I saw a beautiful lady. She looked like she was in her 40s.

"Hey, I'm sorry but do you know where Jacob's at?" The woman asked.

I sat up trying to keep my eyes opened. "Yeah, I think. He's at my house right now. Do you want me to look for him?"

"If it's not a problem. Did I wake you up, honey? I'm sorry."

"No, no! You're fine! It's ok! I was just taking a nap. I didn't get much sleep so I just tried to sleep on the couch."

"Oh, ok."

"My name is, Kirsten by the way." I smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you Kirsten. You can call me, Michelle. Also may I ask why you have Jacob's phone?"

"Oh-uh-he must've dropped it when he walked in. It was ringing on the floor earlier."

"Oh, ok! May I speak to him?"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot!" I got up and walked upstairs.

I knocked on the door that leads to Albert's office. "Y'all in there?" I opened the door and it was empty. I went to our bedroom door and knocked on it. I slowly opened the door just in case he was asleep. "Albert?" I asked quietly but soon realized he wasn't in there.

I went to the guest bedroom and softly knocked on the door. "Jake? You in there?" I asked making sure he was there. "Hmn, yeah I'm in here!"

"Your mom is on the phone."

"Oh, lemme see!"

I opened the door and walked inside. I shut the door behind me and looked at Jake who was cuddling with Albert. Albert was asleep and Jake looked like he just woke up.

"Aww, you two fell asleep like that?" I whispered. "Shut up and give me the damn phone, Kirsten." He said quietly. "I have your mom on speaker, Jakey boi." I giggled. "Oh shi-sorry,"

I walked over to them and gave him the phone. "It's on facetime by the way."

"Oh crap," he slowly shifted away from Albert. Albert moved a little and then Jake put a blanket on Albert. Then Jake moved to the other side of the bed. "Hey, mom." He said quietly.

"Oh my god! Did I wake you up too?"

"Oh, no. Well, yeah."


"I don't know."

Michelle chuckled and I just stood there.

"Who was that other person. I saw a head beside you."

"Oh-uh that uh- that was a pillow." Jake blushed as he looked over at Albert and then me.

"Tomato," I whispered to him.

"Shhh, no. Shut the hell up."

"Jacob, don't be like that. Also, I can tell you're lying. Your face is red."

"It was the pillow man, mom."

"Jacob, tell me the truth, honey."

I walked over to the side of the bed where Jake was at and moved his hand so the phone was facing me. "It was my niece. She was crying so I told Jake to take her to my room and read her a story and they both fell asleep." I smiled at her and let go of Jake's hand. "You're welcome." I whispered to Jake.

"Oh, that's nice, honey."

I giggled to myself as I thought about what I told Michelle.

"Wait, who is that Kirsten girl to you? Is she your girlfriend or something?"

I felt my face heat up and Jake's red face was getting darker. "Nope!" I quickly responded. "She's not my girlfriend. She's just my friend." Jake looked at Albert who was still asleep. "Your face is red again. Do you like her or something?"

"Mom, just stop."

"Oh c'mon, she is really pretty and nice. I had a talk with her earlier."

"Mom, she has a boyfriend. She's dating Albert."

"Oh! Wait! Is she the FoxKirsten girl?"

"Yeah, that's her."

"Oh, cool. Anyway, I called you just to make sure you were doing ok."

"Yeah, I'm doing great. I was sleeping sooo,"

"Oh, I'll just let you two be. I have to go anyway."

"Ok, mom,"

"Talk to you later."

"K mom, bye."

He put his phone down and looked at me. "Why are you still here?"

"You know how I told your mom about the niece thing?"


"I need to pick up my cousin's kids. He is going to Georgia with his wife for work related stuff and they want me to watch their kids for 2 weeks. I need to be there before 1pm."

"You want me to go with you or something?"

"Yeah, I usually have Albert with me since they have 4 kids and I don't have enough seats."

"Yeah, sure. I'll go." He got up and put his shoes on and we both left the room. We walked downstairs and I grabbed Albert's car keys and gave Jake my car keys and we both went to the garage.

"Where are we driving to?" Jake took his phone out and went on google maps. I took his phone and typed the address in. "Are you gonna be ok driving alone?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm gonna be ok."

"Ok, let's just go."

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