With You, I'm Home...

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Albert's POV

"Ight, then. Get your bags." I said as I got out of the car. He took all of his things and we stood outside as we watched Kirsten's car approach the house. She parked her car in front of the garage and got out. She walked over to me and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I unlocked the door and lead the two inside the house.

"Are you an upstairs or a downstairs guy?" I asked Jake as I looked at him up and down. "It doesn't really matter." He smiled at me. "Ok, upstairs it is. Follow me, loser!" I sprinted upstairs.

I walked over to a guest bedroom and opened the door. "This is your room. You can put your stuff in here."

"Ok, thanks!"

"Do you want me to stay or do you want alone time?"

"Whatever you want, Albitch"

"Ok, I'll stay."

We both walked inside and I shut the door behind us. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted my stepmother  as he placed his bags on his bed. He unzipped his bags and unpacked. I walked over to the bed and flopped on top of it.

"Heyy!" Jake giggle as he stared down at me. "You stole my sleep."

"What??" I giggled.

"I dunno. I used to tell that to my sister everytime she walked into my room to steal my bed."

"Why?" I asked him, giving him a confused look as I placed my phone in my hoodie pocket.

"She would do that anytime she wanted something from me."

"Did she ever get what she wanted?" I smirked at him.

"Yeah, all the time," he casually responded. I don't think he got my joke.

"Wait, what did she want!?" I tried to hold my laugh in.

"Anything a sister would want I guess, I dunno."

"She asked for 100 dollars this one time and she came up with a way to make it up for me I guess."

"What did she do for you?"

"I made her-"

"You fucked your sister!?" I finally bursted out laughing.



"I hate you..."

"So she got anything she wanted from you?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Have you ever kiss your sister on the lips? Ooh! I have! Me! I've kissed my sister on the lips!"


"Have you, Jake?" I asked him. His face was turning red. "C'mon Bob the tomato! Bob the tomato can't be as holy as he seems. If you tell me the truth I'll tell you about how I kissed my sister!"

"I kissed my sisters... and my brother..." Jake trailed off. I stayed silent. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Two sisters and one brother. My sister is the oldest one, I'm the second oldest, and my brother and sister twins."

"You've kissed them all on the lips?"



"No, you go first! You said you would tell me about you and your sister!"

"Fine! Ok! My sister and I were alone in a room and we were talking and laughing a lot. We were talking about school crushes and stuff. We were at a party that we both got invited to. We got uh-drunk. Illegal. We were 'practicing'. At least I didn't kiss all of my siblings, I have too many. Now, tell me your story."

"Well, I for my 21st birthday, my oldest sister got- oh my god! I'm cringing! My sister bought wine. We stayed home and just had some. My dad, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins, Diana, and Ally came over. Since it was my first time it did not go well. The next day Ally and Diana told me that I like tipsy really quickly and my sister drank too much. They were both explaining to me how stupid my me and my sister were acting. They said that they were talking and watching us and they looked away for one second and next thing they know, we were making out. Ally said that everyone was staring at us..."

"Woah! You sure y'all didn't fuck?"

"No! Also my youngest sister is my sister was the one who always walked in my room."

"Oh well, just hurry up and finish explaining."

"I kissed my youngest sister because she made me play spin the bottle at her and my brother's birthday party. I had to kiss her, I had to kiss guys, and I had to kiss her friends. I don't give kisses out like that! They were being dramatic too! I had to kiss a few people my age. This was back when I was in high school."

"You had to kiss guys! Man that's gay! Wait, are you gay?"

"Well, I had to question myself after that. I felt weird. My brother was recording me kiss other guys just to make fun of me. He was sitting all the way at the other side of the room laughing as I finished kissing the 'hot guy'. Then I said: "BOY YOU BETTER TURN THAT CUTE LITTLE ASS AROUND AND GIVE ME A SMOOCH WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!" Then he yelled. "I SHIP JALBERT!" Some people were laughing. Some people didn't even get it. My face was burning and I walked over to him and said. "I meant it. This is also your birthday party so you better put that phone down before I kiss you so shut the fuck up." He didn't listen so I just kissed him. People were recording and screaming and it was embarrassing and I'm never gonna do that ever again. That was a very gay moment."

"Oh, damn! So you like guys!?"

"I'm pansexual."

"Oh-oh shit! That makes so much sense!"

"I just came out to you. Your welcome."


"What, Albert? You good?"

"I'm bisexual,"

"Oh, cool." He smiled at down at me. He put his empty bags into the closet and sat beside my dead looking body. He layed back and I yawned.

"So, how is Ohio?" I asked him. "Hmmm... it's still terrible. Even though I have Ally, Diana, my mom, my dad, my siblings, and childhood friends who live nearby, it still feels lonely. I cry to sleep almost every single night. I'm such a baby." He spoke in a low quiet tone.

"Oh really?"

He nodded in response.

"I feel like that everyday. I have Kirsten and my dogs here and all but I feel alone. I feel like the last man on earth. I feel like I'm in a different galaxy, isolated, like I'm laying in the middle of an empty field, crying. Crying for help, but no one can hear me. Everyone is so far away from me. There is no one who can help me out. I feel like I've been left behind, forgotten about, trapped, prisoned. There is no one here to save me. The only person there is a beautiful girl. This beautiful girl is always sad, depressed, and anxious. She has all these negative thoughts surrounding her head, overwhelming her. She is so beautiful but she is always crying. It hurts me even more. I have to help her. She can't help herself. I have to sacrifice my wellbeing for this beautiful, sweet, funny, and caring girl but, she can't help me. I have to suffer. The only way she can help me is by being happy. Happiness spreads around like the flu. Happiness is beautiful. When she is happy I feel like I get taken back from this empty field back down to earth. When I talk to temperist I feel like I'm human and not just a spec of nothing in an empty galaxy. When I play video games with Kaden I feel like there is someone there to cheer me up. When I talk to Adam, he takes me out of this deep dark bottomless hole. When I hang out with you, I feel like myself... I feel like someone..."

I had tears rolling down my face at this point.

"You good?" He sat up. I bit my lip and stayed silent. "Sorry." I whispered. "No, Albert. It's, ok." He scooted closer to me and layed back down. Jake turned to face me and he hugged me. I hugged him back and we stayed there for a while...

♡ Pretty Boy ♡ [Jalbert] **read desc**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz