Death's Doorstep

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Albert's POV

"Albert? Albert, please!"

My body was getting heavier and heavier. Everything slowly faded away. I wasn't going to see anyone for one last time. That's all I wanted. I wanted to die by a loved one.

I was tied up to a chair.

Tiffany untied my hands earlier and she told me to call someone while she choked me to death. I couldn't fight back. If I did, she would blow my brains out with her gun. When someone finally answered she tied it hands together again and she left.

"Oh, Albert~!" I heard Tiffany chant.

She took the phone and I don't really know what she did with it. I wanted to move but I couldn't. I could not move a muscle.

"Oh, no! Did I actually kill you?"

Tiffany lifted my chin up with her fingers.

"Aw, the little baby can't breathe..."

She untied me from the chair and she dropped me on the ground.

"Bye, baby Boo fits in tea cup." she said, waving her fingers at me before she left.

Then that was it. I was over. Done. Dead. Gone. Left for dead.

I watched the night sky from afar. I could barely see it through the small window but I could see it. This is the last thing I will see. My last night alive. I can't believe it was going to just end like this. I was going to die young. All alone. In the dark. Suddenly everything went to complete darkness.

It's over now, isnt it? Am I done suffering?


"Albert, I'm sorry! I love you! I love you so much! I wasn't able to get us out of here! This is all my fault! I did this to you! I'm so sorry!"


I love you too. What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong... right?

Wait... did he just kiss me?




"He's not breathing!"

"Check is pulse!"

"He's Alive! He is struggling to breath though!"


"Again! No response!"


"We're losing him!"


Jake's POV

"I did this to you! I did this to you! I will never forgive myself for this! I shouldn't have let you walk away like that! I should've apologized! I shouldn't have messed with anyone! I should've stayed with you!"

"JAKE! ARE YOU OKAY!? WHERE'S ALLY AND WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING!?" Kirsten screamed. That's when I snapped back into reality. "I. Don't. Know." I murmured. "JAKE!" I heard my name being called from a distance.


Ally let out a sigh as she sat beside me in a chair.

"I missed my flight..." she said. "I'm sorry about that." I responded. "Mm- it's fine. Don't apologize." Ally said, staring at her feet.


"He barely made it. He's currently unconscious."

"So he's okay?" asked Kirsten.

"Well, we'll have to keep him here a little longer to know how he is exaclty. If he doesn't suffer any seizures or anything of that sort, he should be okay but for now that is undetermined. Especially because we haven't had him for very long."


Albert's POV

I cracked my eyes opened just to close them back up because of the bright lights.

Where am I? Why can't I move? Where's Tiffany?


I woke up again and I tried to open my eyes. It was still bright but I could open them a little more. My body was heavy but I could at least move a little. At least I had some sleep.


"Here he is. He is not awake yet so you may not want to raise your voices too much."

"Okay, thanks."

"No problem. I'll leave you two now."

I heard a door shut and the room went silent. I was confused.

"Who's there?" I murmured.


"Answer my question." I said.

"It's Kirsten and Jake."

"Oh, sorry." I said as I recollected myself. I lifted my head up a little and I looked at them. They were both standing there awkwardly. Why did they come alone? I was surprised Kaden wasn't there.

"Where did everyone go? Are they okay?"

"Kaden, Raven and Ally booked a flight home and they were supposed to leave last night but Ally missed her flight so she's still here. We all thought it was a good idea for some of us to go early not only because of the situation but also because everyone has been staying with Alicia and I. Jake needed to stay for various reasons but that's a long story. Diana went missing after you did but she's okay now. She's been resting." said Kirsten.

"She was found?"

"She left in a car that had crashed." said Jake. "I was in that car with her. Tiffany made me go with her. I feel really horrible about leaving Diana there." I said. "Oh..." Jake said softly.

Jake's POV

Was Diana being dramatic or is Albert lying?

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