Sorry Jake

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Jake's POV

While I was driving, I had realized that I left my phone with Albert. I drove back home and I rushed inside. It was too late. Albert was already staring at my phone in shock. I snatched my phone his hands and I put it in my pocket.

"We'll talk later." I said before I left.

Diana's POV

"Why do you only talk about Jake!? Jake this, Jake that!" I screamed. "You're not as good as him!" Miguel yelled. "Why did you even get into a relationship with me then!?" I yelled.

"I was just using you but you're useless!"

"What do you mean you were using me!?"

"You're much closer to Jake than anybody else I know. I was using you to get closer to him." said Miguel. "I guess you don't need me then." I said as I approached the front door before he yanked my arm. "Listen here, you're not leaving. You will help me with some things. If you even try anything leaving my side, you will regret it." said Miguel.

"Alright, if you're that tough, what do you plan on doing?" I snickered at him. "Anything. I will make everyone hate you. I will make you hate yourself. I will do anything." he said.

"You don't scare me." I said, attempting to pull my arm away. "I'll do worse." he scolded me. I was trying to pull my arm away but he wasn't letting go. "Let go!" I yelled.

"As I told you, I'll do worse."

Albert's POV

Kirsten is actually pregnant? I couldn't get my mind off of what I read.

I was very confused. I didn't know what has gotten into Jake and I didn't know if he was okay. I didn't know if Kirsten was going to be okay either. All I knew was that I wasn't okay, myself. I wanted to talk to someone but I didn't know who to talk to. I tried to message Kaden but he wasn't responding.

What about Lana?

I asked an old friend Lana and I used to talk to and I asked her if she knew her number. She gave me Lana's number and I messaged her.

Hey, is this Lana? An old friend gave me your number.

Who are you? I'm already taken. Don't even try with me.

Calm down! It's Albert!

Albert!? Who gave you my number!?

Do you remember Lydia?

She gave you my number?


Oh ok what do you want?


What do you mean what?

I was just saying what


I dont rlly know

Is there something you want to tell me? Why are you just texting me out of the blue?

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