🌸Purpled🌸 - Enemies

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Request by: @silent_reader_Xx

Words: 1508

"SHIT SHIT SHIT GET OUT OF HERE!" Fireballs rained down from the heavens, blasting people back and forth. I raised up my wooden and iron shield, trying to protect myself from the fire and explosions. "Ranboo, Quackity, where's it coming from?" I shouted over to my right, seeing the two run out from inside to join me. "I think it's above, we can reach them from the roof." Ranboo said, putting his shield to the side as he grabbed me and Quackity and ran around to the back and up a ladder.

His hypothesis was correct. Two people towered up on a yellow wool pillar. One wore their green armour and a red mask covering most of their features, the other had blonde hair and was wearing a gold chain of sorts over the green leather tunic. "I got these guys. CHINGA TU MADRE!" Big Q ran forward and kicked one of them off, slamming the other off with the blunt part of his sword, leaving them to get eaten alive by our other team mates below us. Quackity has this weird quirk where he just screams in Spanish at others, no one knows what he's saying but him; it does bring a laugh in these somewhat sad times.

The battle between Green Team and Yellow Team had been waging on from almost a year now. The 26 of us were chosen as Beta testers of sorts for this new game called Bedwars. All of those months of training and testing led to an actual war being waged and thousands of games being played. There was no real danger to it, everything being a simulation and all, but our leaders seemed intent on winning it so most of us stuck around.

This was game number 7839. Or maybe it was 7841. Who knows at this point. "Good going, Quackster." I said, jumping down to join him as Ranboo followed. "Excuse me you three." Our conversation was cut off by Sam, our resident redstone lover, approaching us with a piece of paper. "Tommy, Tubbo and Jack Manifold request your help at emeralds, would you mind heading over?" He explained as he handed us a very scribbly note from Tommy requesting backup. "I'll stay back, you two head up." Ranboo patted me on the back, flashing me a quick smile before heading back into the resource hut, probably to collect tnt for our next attack.

Quackity and I made our way to the middle island, carefully edging across the vibrant green wool bridge. "Hey Y/N, how long do you think this is gonna continue on for?" Quackity suddenly stops in his tracks, turning around to face his friend. "Who knows. Why'd you ask?" Quackity just sighed, turning around and continuing to walk, "I met this one dude, his name is Karl. We talk to each other in between games, he seems really nice but yknow, conflicting sides. I can't even speak to him without Schlatt getting angry at me. I just- I just think it's stupid that we can't talk to other people."

Quackity wasn't a very emotional person, even in the most desperate of times he always tries to crack a few jokes. So to see him be so realistic and un-optimistic, was quite weird but strangely refreshing. "I'm sure it won't continue for long. We both have like a week long break soon right? You should ask if he's free then." I ran up to catch up with him, the two of us nearing the Emerald generators now. "Yeah, I suppose so. EY TOMAS, TURBO. ME AMIGO!"

He cut himself off as he spotted the two British boys and ran up to them. "BIG Q! BIG Y/N! Come come we chillin' up here." Tommy waved to us as the two sat near a emerald generator near our base. "What'd you need us for?" I asked, moving to sit next to Tubbo who held a crossbow. "We were lonely." Tubbo confessed, peaking over his wool wall to check for the other team. Quackity and I just sighed, atleast we get to entertain them for a little while.

As we all sat together talking, footsteps began to trail up towards us. A mop of dirty blonde hair appeared, he was wearing a white jumper with a shirt underneath and a green bandana wrapped around his arm. Tommy immediately jumped up to go kill him, but was lightly pulled back down by Quackity of all people. "Hey Karl." He smiled at him, Karl smiling back and relaxing slightly. "Oh, hello Big Q." Karl stayed where he was, only giving the shorter male a wave. "Who the fuck are you?" Tommy asked, pointing his iron sword towards Karl.

"Tommy, leave him alone. He means no harm." Quackity once again stopped him, placing his hand on Tommy's shoulder and trying to calm him down. "While you're here Karl, are you free next weekend? We should hang out soon." Karl was silent for a moment before smiling softly, "I'd love that, meet you this Saturday at that café down the road?" Quackity nodded, waving once more before Karl ran back to his own area.

We sat back down for a bit, Quackity explaining to Tommy and Tubbo about his friendship with Karl. They were suprisingly chill with it, they didn't really care about Quackity's secret friendship and promised not to snitch. "I'm gonna go out now, Quackity you staying here?" I stood up, taking my sword out of my sling and getting ready to leave. "I'll take care of these two." Quackity ruffled Tommy's hair, immediately starting up an argument between the two of them, Tubbo staring in dissapointment.

After taking a quick pit-stop back at base and picking up two more stacks of wool, I headed out to a seperate island. Most island either had diamonds or emeralds on it, some of they didn't however. Just lumps of Earth floating around in the emptyness of this simulation. One of the only good things I could do was speedbridge, so it was obvious that I would take any opportunity to do so. I bridged out to one of those islands, dropping down and landing down on the soft green grass. It was peaceful, serene even. I could still see all the fighting to my left, but atleast it's not up close and personal yknow? You learn to appreciate the smaller things during situations like these.

"Well this is akwkard. How do we keep running into each other?" A voice from above spoke down to me. His accent was british, and he made sure to drag out the 'how' as he dropped down to greet me. My self proclaimed arch-nemesis, Purpled. He approached me with a smug look on his face, his iron sword glaring against the bright yellow sun. I'm fucked. We have the same amount of gear but he definitely has more experience with combat, I can't risk loosing all these resources.

"Good morning to you too, Purpled." I replied, stepping back a bit so I was further away from any ledges. Just in case. Me and Purpled are relatively friendly. I doubt he would just kill me, especially with that whole introductory speech he did. "Why have you come to ruin my free time yet again?" I asked, leaning against a small hill as Purpled came and stood to my right. "Well, I saw you speed bridging across and decided to race you. You only won because you went before me." Purpled ""bragged"", if that's what you can even call it when he lost.

"And now we're both here. Sitting on some random, meaningless island. So, how has your day been then?" He asked me, fiddling with his green leather tunic. "Same old, same old." I replied, sliding down to sit down on the grass, Purpled coming down to sit with me. "Well atleast we can agree on one thing. Every day just feels the same, I'm kind of bored of all this fighting now." Purpled said, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Well if you're sayin' that then this must be boring." I chuckled out, the both of us enjoying the sarcastic atmosphere.

"So, Karl and Quackity huh?" He suddenly asked, that stupid ass smug smirk on his face. "Yeah yeah, Big Q wants to be friends with him. Why? Do you have a problem with it?" As cool as Purpled is, if anyone fucks with Quackity then it's on sight. "Oh of course not, I actually encourage it. Dream and stuff might get mad but I honestly don't care, they can take their politics and shove it up their ass." We both laughed at this, atleast we can agree on one thing.

"Speaking of being friends, there's this new resturant opening up, would you like to check it out with me this weekend?"

That sly motherfuc-

"Sure, I'd love to. You have my number, right?"

God damn it myself.
Well I suppose a day out like this wouldn't hurt...

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