🌸SBI Rust🌸 - Dome Cult

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CONTEXT: Since the SBI Rust server got wiped for the monthly update and Wilbur and Tommy haven't streamed on it in ages, I thought I should write a oneshot on it. If anyone has any SBI Rust headcannons please leave them here, I am starving for content. All I wanted was Wilbur and Tommy brother dynamic with Sophie being that cool Aunty or whatever.
Most of this is just HC's anyway. +SBI Family AU.

Request by: milk_boi_tobio

Words: 2153

It was dawn. The sun was just barely peeking out over the hill way off in the distance. A young blonde boy tossed and turned in his sleeping bag, trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep before his elder brother eventually came to wake him up. He could vaguely hear murmering downstairs, a British voice and a younger American voice; Wilbur and someone else he couldn't remember. He threw the sleeping bag off of him, slugging his half-asleep body over to the makeshift wardrobe Wilbur had built only a few days ago.

Tommy only had one outfit in various different styles, not that he minded the limited clothing, he had good style nonetheless. A thick red and white jumper with the words 'Wife Haver' stitched into it by Sophie during a late night at the church. A pair of brown cargo pants held up by one of Wilbur's belts, the left legging pulled up to his knee to show off his leg littered with plasters and scars from hunting. A dark green bandana wrapped around his neck from his good friend Tubbo, they had traded bandanas to remember each other since they currently lived quite far apart. His shoes were a pair of rugged boots that one of Wilbur's friends, Schlatt, passed down to him. Wilbur wasn't particularly happy about the influence the business man had over the younger. On a desk next to the wardrobe was two pairs of bandages and a hand-written note from Wilbur;

"Your arms are still a bit fucked up from hunting last night. Wrap them up before you leave so they don't get infected." - Wilby.

It wasn't weird for Tommy to be handed random medical supplies or notes from Wilbur, he was very easily scarred and got into dangerous situations often. He wrapped the bandages around his forearms and let the hoodie sleeves lay above the elbows. Tommy thought that he looked more badass now, and the more badass you are means the more women flaunt to you.

The final touch to his outfit was drapping one of Wilbur's many overcoats over his slim body to protect him from the outside cold and damp. Wilbur had given him one to sleep with when the heat source had broken and Tommy just refused to give it up. He liked wearing clothes that reminded him of his friends and family, it helps keep him grounded in these strange times.

With a bit more of a spring in his step, Tommy made his way down to the bottom floor to greet his brother. Wilbur was leaned up against the doorframe as he and Ranboo chated idly, Ranboo seems like he was on his way out as he sat upon his horse and secured his many bags. "Oh, morning Tommy!" Ranboo greeted him, giving him a small wave through a gloved hand. Wilbur turned round to greet the younger, smiling down as he joined him at the door. "Hello boob boy. Whatcha doing here?" Ranboo grumbled at the nickname, he still despised it. "I'm delivering water out to everyone, my house is the main water source and it is quite far away. And I've told you my name is Ranboo."

Wilbur handed Ranboo his payment, just some scrap metal and stone, presumably for his house. "Thank you, Ranboo. Feel free to stop by the church some day." Wilbur and Tommy waved the young boy away as he galloped away on his horse. "Well then Toms, shall we be heading out? Ty and Sophie said they'd be there just after dawn to help out on exploring tonight." Wilbur asked, passing a backpack full of climbing supplies to Tommy as he swung a similar backpack over his own shoulders. "Of course I am."

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