🌸Dream🌸 - Life Itself

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TW: Mentions of abuse, manipulation and details about death and gore.

Words: 2479

"Tommy, put all your stuff in the hole or else Tubbo gets it. You too, 'Mr. President'." The green bastard dug a three deep hole, keeping his shiny netherite axe pointed at Tubbo's bare neck. The two of them immediately dropped every item they had on them, fear covering their bodies as the green man smiled with malice under his cartoon white mask. Dream took a piece of TNT out from his jacket pocket, lighting it up and dropping it down into the hole, a loud bang resounding the area as the group beneath them all shook. Their faces where now painted with defeat and pure shock. Mere moments ago, Tommy had his Mellohi disc and he was just inches away from an Ender Chest. How could it've gone so wrong so fast.

"What do you want from us Dream? You brought us up here to get the discs, why would you risk them? Is this just all for your entertainment?" Tommy asked, pulling Tubbo behind him to make sure Dream couldn't get to him. "Ah yes the discs, the discs." Dream turned around, taking out the ""Mellohi"" and ""Cat"" discs from the Ender Chest. He held the two in his gloved hands, dangling them above some fire in the blown up hole. "Dream, wai-" Tommy tried to stop him but it was too late, the discs fell out of his grasp and fell into the Earth; the purple and green accents falling apart right infront of the two teens lives. Dream had left them outgunned and outplanned, and now the only thing the three had in common, was.. gone.

The two were both shocked, their mouths agape as they just stared at the hole that once held their precious items. They had lost everything. Dream just laughed. A low chuckle that confused the two younger boys, he can't be this insane to laugh in their faces. Even Dream didn't show this much emotion. "Oh you two are idiots! You think I'd actually risk the discs in some stupid fight." Tommy audibly sighed, atleast the discs still existed. "Why are we here then?" Dream didn't respond, only walking away and gesturing for the two boys to follow.

The three boys made their way down to the bottom of the hill, Dream bringing them to a stone wall. He took out a lever from his pocket, attatching it to the wall and flicking it down. The wall opened up, unvealing a blackstone elevator that led them them down to some secret vault. Tommy's prized discs were out on display, dangling just out of reach. To the right was a corridor, item frames held the soon to be prized possessions of the entire server; even a cow named Henry and a sheep called Friend was back there. But that was impossible, they were both dead. Tommy saw Henry die with his own two eyes.

"You see, Tommy. Whether either of us would like to admit it or not, I need you. You brought something to the server that no one did before hand; attachment. Without you, no one would be attached to stuff, and so it would be harder to control people." Dream explained, standly idly infront of the only escape, the Nether portal, as Tubbo and Tommy looked around the massive room. "So you only need me to manipulate people? Ha, you're an idiot to think I'd help you."

Dream just smiled at Tommy's childish remark, "I've lost all need for your approval, I don't need anyone's friendship in fact. I gave away everything I had, my weapons, my pets, my objects, my friends, all so I could keep control of this server. I don't need anything, all I need is you." Dream rambled on for much longer than he should've about his friends, mostly George and Sapnap. I think he mentioned something about freckles? Tommy and Tubbo were too focused on their own safety to really give a fuck.

"I don't care about your shitty backstory, what does this have to with me and Tubbo?" Tommy snarled, staring directly into Dream's mask and trying to intimidate him; it didn't do anything. "You're special, Tommy. I need you, you need me. However, that doesn't mean that I can't restrict you. It would be too dangerous to let you run free, so that's why you will-" "The prison." Tubbo interrupted him, his eyes widening as all the pieces fell into place. "So smart, Tubbo! Tommy will be staying in the prison until further notice. That way he can still keep the attachment alive on the server while not causing me any problems." Dream smirked, a mallicious and disgusting smile that sent shivers down the two teens spines.

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