🌸Wilbur🌸 - Your New Boyfriend

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Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be, when I was a kid on VoIP.

The two were very close when they were younger. A young boy named William, or Wilbur, and a young girl named Sarah. They met up on this messaging site called VoIP, and found out they lived relatively close together. One thing led to another, and now they were enrolled in the same secondary school AND dating.

I thought when I get older, I'd marry her, I told her.

"When we turn 16, we'll get married and have kids, and be happy together." Wilbur said as he planted a kiss on his wife-to-be's cheek, earning a cute giggle from his beloved. "It would be an honour to marry you, Mr Soot." Sarah said, intertwining her fingers with her boyfriends. "Oh! I wrote you a song, would you like to hear it?" Wilbur asked her, standing up to grab his caramel guitar from the corner of the room. "I'd love to."

Now I'm 26 and I work in an office, 9 'til 5's not the best, I'll be honest.

That was 13 years ago, the relationship didn't go as planned. Sarah broke up with Wilbur in favour of some twat named Jared, apparently he was trying to push the relationship too fast, marriage at 16 isn't a good thing. His relationship and his dream of being a musician failed. Now, he was stuck in some stingy office in Brighton, working decent pay at some economic's business. He was miserable.

If I could change a single thing, I'd make it me and not him.

He had tried his hand in different relationships, going on date after date with men and women alike; but nothing compared to the way Sarah made him feel. Oh how he wished he was Jared. They had never really talked much at school, but he would be lying if he didn't wasn't infatued with him like the rest of the school was. Star football and rugby player, gifted singer and actor - and he was hot, Jesus Christ he was hot. But Wilbur didn't like him in that way, he could admit when another male was superior that him in every way shape or form. He didn't like Jared, he had Sarah, and that's all he needed.

But he's in your bed and I'm in your Twitch chat.

Even after the breakup, Wilbur continued to follow her on all social medias. He was the one who got her into gaming and Twitch streaming, and she contined to do so after the relationship; getting quite a following by playing strategy games like League of Legends. Jared became a regular guest on her streams, with Sarah teaching hin how to get gud. Imagine if that was him, they could be the gaming couple that streamed together and flirted on call, but that was just a dream, a mere fantasy that he oh so wished for.

I've got the key and he's just a doormat.

"Jared! You're such a dick." Sarah giggled out, her laugh hadn't changed after all these years. "You know you love me." Jared said, earning another giggle from her. The two were playing duo bedwars on Minecraft, and Jared kept on blocking her in wool. The chat were spamming 'awwwwws' and Twitter was going wild over their relationship. It infuriated Wilbur. He was the one who was supposed to be with Sarah. He was the one who should be playing Minecraft with her. He was the one who should be lulling her to sleep with his sweet songs about love and e-dating.

And even though he's got social skills, that doesn't mean I can't pay the bills.

What did Jared have that he didn't? He never considered himself particularly ugly, so it probably wasn't that. Singing? Wilbur won in that department, Jared may have had more experience in theatre, but Wilbur sang and composed his own songs. Checkmate. Sports? Yeah okay, Jared was way much better. But it's not like Sarah liked sports, she was a gamer; that was the reason why Wilbur became so good at video games. Maybe it's his personality. He was definitely more outgoing, but Wilbur was smarter. They both had their flaws and strengths.

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