🌸Fundy🌸 - Overthrow

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Words: 1931

17th November 2020
Dear Diary, today is the next morning after everything happened. Schlatt had heart attack in a camarvan, Wilbur blew L'manberg up, Techno said a badass speech and spawned two withers, and Phil joined and killed Wilbur. A lot has happened to say the least. I'm still not really sure how to feel. Maybe I worked under Schlatt for two long. What are we supposed to do now? Tubbo was elected president as Tommy and Wilbur both declined it, and he's promised to rebuild L'manberg from the crater up; he's working on it now while I'm writing it. But, for someone reason, everything feels... wrong. Maybe it's because Wilbur, my father, is now dead? He had always promised me that I would be the next president after him, he had never really trusted Tommy to lead L'manberg, and Tubbo was always the second choice. He really did miss him, even though he did some really bad things..

21st November 2020
Dear Diary, L'manberg is starting to look a lot better. Apparently Wilbur is now Ghostbur and built a crane and sewer system that he lives in. I went and visited him, he doesn't seem to remember me, but atleast he's nicer and paying child support. Someone donated on stream today asking if I was going to overthrow Tubbo, I was able to play it off then but it hasn't stopped nagging me since then. What if I did try to overthrow Tubbo? I had always wanted to be president but I never expressed it since Wilbur was president at the time. Could I do it? Like, could I overthrow Tubbo? How could I even overthrow him?
...No, I'm not going that far. I think I need to talk to Phil, he seems like a comforting fella, he was with Wilbur in his last moments right?

22nd November 2020
Fuck it. Tubbo and Tommy put granite in my base. I'm fucking fuming. I went to go see Phil after my last entry, he wasn't much help, but he did tell me more about Wilbur. Seems he was just like me when I was his age, atleast that's what he says, all adults say that. Anyway, as I was saying. Fuck Tubbo, he greifed my house. Is this an overreaction? PROBABLY! But do I care? No, of course not. They're focused on Technoblade and reparing L'manberg, if I ever wanted to strike it would be now. I already have a plan too, I'm gonna bring him to the comm


I wrote angrily against the book, the black ink splotching in certain areas as my hand cramped. The orange metalic wristband buzzed slightly, snapping me out of my angry haze. I gazed over, dropping the inky pen and fiddling with it for a moment. The holograph message popped off, directing me to Discord. A message from Tubbo:

'Hey Fundy'
'You streaming today?'
'I wanna play mc but not stream if you get me, so maybe we could do something on stream together :)'
'If you're busy tho its okay'

Wow what a great time to get a message from him. I leaned back slightly and took in a deep breath, the world really seemed to be against me right now. Is this my message from a higher figure that I shouldn't go through with this? Wait no, God isn't real, I killed him. lol. The message was already marked as read so I needed to respond quick or else he'd get suspicious.

'I wasn't gonna stream but you wanna record something? I have a fun idea ive been wanting to do for a while'

I can't start streaming, live streaming me killing the president isn't going to go down well. It's not even like I'm lying to him either, I have been wanting to use this for a while. Sometimes I forget about how smart I am.

'Sure! When are you free?'



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