🌸L'manberg🌸 - Picnic Trip

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"Y/N!" The blonde hair boy waved his hand, looking down at me and the brunette next to me. "How are you so energetic? It's like 11am!" The brunette shouted up to him. The sun glared down at us, illuminating the boy's silhouette. "Just hurry up, Wilbur's gonna blame me if you're late." The boy next to me sighed and made his way up the grass hill, me keeping up behind him. On the top of a hill was another man with brown hair stuffed into a beanie and a girl with blonde hair. "Niki! Wilbur!" The brunette sped up and ran towards the two adults sitting on a light blue picnic blanket. "Tommy, Tubbo, Y/N, glad you could make it? Is Fundy here yet?" Niki waved us over as Wilbur continued unpacking some food. "Of course the furry is late. He's probably doing... furry stuff." Tommy sat down opposite to Wilbur and Niki, once again making fun of Fundy. "Maybe he's just running late." Tubbo said, taking a seat next to Tommy, me sitting on the other side of Tommy and next to Niki.

The three of us helped Wilbur and Niki set out the food. Wilbur brought sandwiches, fruit salad, wine, watermelon and a few other healthy foods while Niki brought loads of sweet treats like cookies, cakes, soda, biscuits and more. Jeez how long did this take to bake. It had been about 10 minutes since me, Tommy and Tubbo arrived. In the distance, I could see someone with brown hair running up the hill, Tubbo noticed too and shouted down to them, "Fundy! Why are you so late?" He had caught up by now, tumbling down and landing down on the picnic blanket next to Tubbo and Wilbur. "Was busy.... editing video..." He huffed out, sitting up to catch his breath. After we all calmed down, we started eating. Tubbo and Tommy ended up stealing most of the food, much to Niki and Fundy's dismay and annoyance. Me, Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy had finished first, so we left Wilbur and Niki to hang out while we left to go to a different part of the hill.

Tubbo spotted a singular oak tree in the distance and started dashing towards it, "Guys! Let's climb the tree!" He stopped in front of the tall tree and started circling around it, most likely trying to find a place to climb up. "That's pretty tall, Tubbo, you sure you wanna climb it?" Fundy asked the energetic boy, staring directly up at the top of the tree. "Pssh this is nothing. But Y/N you should help him, you probably like trees or something." Tommy pushed me closer to Tubbo, I'm guessing he's scared of climbing it too. I shrugged, trees are cool. Tubbo had chosen the left side of the tree, spotting a branch up above him. "Okay Y/N, just like throw me up and I'll grab that branch, then I'll pull you up. We should be able to reach the other branches from there."

I stared at Tubbo for a moment, "Y-You want me to.. throw you?" He nodded, "Yeah just like whoosh yknow?" He used his arms to show me how to throw him up. "Alrighty then." I did as he said, but instead of throwing him I just moved him so he sat on my shoulders. He was still able to reach the branch and pulled himself up, Tubbo is surprisingly strong. "Okay, use the little hole there and I'll grab you." He sat on the edge of the branch, pointing to a small hole in the tree. I followed as he did, stepping on the small stump and pulling myself up with Tubbo's help. We carefully traversed the branches until we reached the one facing back to Wilbur and Niki. We easily toppled over Tommy and Fundy below us. Tommy whispered something to Fundy before running back up to the tree and shaking it. "Tommy!" Wilbur shouted at him, stopping the blondette below me and sulking his way back to Fundy.

Me and Tubbo soon made our way back down the tree to meet up with Fundy and Tommy. "So, what next?" Tommy shouted and waved us over as he and Fundy sat on the grass together. Tubbo's eyes lit up and he ran over back to Wilbur, grabbing a bag he brought with him and running back to the rest of us. Me and Tubbo sat down as he looked through his black backpack. He pulled out a sketchpad, some sort of writing pad, a pack of coloured pencils and a few other drawing supplies. "Did you seriously bring all of this, Tubbo?" Fundy asked the happy brunette, looking down in suprise at all of the supplies. "Yep! We should have a drawing contest!"

🌸𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🌸 (SMALL HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now