🌸Technoblade🌸 - Training

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Words: 1292

6th October 2020.

Dear Diary,
it has officially been one week since I joined Pogtopia. After Wilbur and Tommy were exiled at Schlatt's command, I was quick to escape right under Quackity's nose and rejoin my President and Tommy. The only person who currently knows about my escape back in "Manberg" is Tubbo, our undercover spy and Schlatt's secretary of sorts. Everyone else think I died or something.

The last week has been, eventful. I've been tasked with gathering supplies with Techno, so the two of us have spent most of our time in the Nether and occasionally sneaking back into Manberg. Wilbur doesn't know we have yet but I'm sure he won't mind. Technoblade is a pretty cool guy once you get out of that awkward phase of your friendship. He got me a crossbow and taught me how to use fireworks in them. A bit of a violent gift but still, it's the thought that counts. Wilbur was a bit iffy about the whole Techno teaching a child how to use weapons thing but he got over it... I think.

Techno has even offered to train me! He said, and I quote, "I could easily punt you off this ravine, how are you supposed to hold your own against Dream or Schlatt?" So that's why I've woken up bright and early today to go meet him at some nearby plains field. Does he normally get up this early? The sun is only just rising. I probably won't have much time to update my diary this week, but I'll try my best.


The pink one in question stood in the middle of the grassy plain, his bubblegum pink hair swaying slightly as the wind picked up on the early morning sun. In his right hand was a sharp iron sword, probably just crafted as he sharpened it with his netherite axe he never seems to use. Despite the young girl making little to no noise, Technoblade still noticed her; tilting his head to meet her gaze. "Surprised you made it." He slightly shouted, putting the sword down and moving to open and search through a chest. "I had nothing better to do." Both of them smirked as they continued to ""banter"", more like subtly insult each other in a friendly way. Their humor was suprisingly similar; sarcastic and kind of demeaning.

From the chest, Techno pulled out two wooden axes, two wooden swords and a shield for each of them. "I'm much better at sword stuff than axes, so we'll be focusing on that for now. However, you might be better at axe crits and the more strategical side so I still got one. I also have some crossbows and bows but we'd have to be more careful with them, let's not have any unnecessary death." Techno explained with some weird sadistic passion as he handed Y/N one of each weapon. He continued to explain how swords work and how it's mostly just swingin' and hoping for the best. For the unkillable Blood God, his ways of attack were quite, basic. But whatever works. After a long 15 hours of training with only a few breaks, Y/N had lost 2-48. But then again those two wins are better than nothing.

Techno seemed... proud? It's hard to tell with him, emotions isn't his forte. Everytime Y/N tries something new and suprises him by attacking in some new, complex and probably dangerous way, he can't help but feel some sort of feeling in his heart. His cold dead heart. "Alright, that's enough for today. Let's not push ourselves too much, we still have weeks of training." Techno picked Y/N up off the ground, throwing her a blanket of sorts and taking the weapons of her. "As part of your training you must make me food." Techno smiled as he picked up his supplies and walked back towards their little opening in the cave. "Nuh uh. I won 2 matches against you, do you know how sore my entire body is?"

The two continued to bicker as they maneuvered down the staircase, arriving just at the entrance of Techno's prized potato farm. Lazily stuck against the wall was a stickynote, black writing covering up the illiminous yellow. Techno ripped it off the wall and read it aloud, "Gone out from big man TommyInnit. Well, looks like we're alone for the night." Techno scrumpled it up and throwed it behind him like some cartoon character, moving to search through the barrels of food. "Aaaand they took all the food. Guess we need to go get some." As quickly as he came in he moved away to his own seperate room and pulled out a fancy netherite sword and netherite axe, handing the heavy axe to the younger. "Training time, we're going hunting. Try getting used to the weight of the axe." Y/N eyes seemed to sparkle as she slung the axe over her shoulder and into it's sling.


"Here we observe the skeleton. Small, nimble, boney, ready to full apart at any moment. All he brings with him is a flimsy bow and a seemingly endless stack of arrows. Skeletons are quite stupid as they attack anything that hits them, even their own kind. Health points? Who knows. Defense? Nothing. What an amazing creature."

Techno spoke in a cringey David Attenborough impression, the two of them hid behind some random grass hill; both of them stiffling laughs as to not get caught. They both could easily take out a few skeletons but neither of them have armour and would prefer not to get stabbed with an arrow thank you very much. They had already slaughtered enough food, they were just dicking around at this point.

"Wanna go eat by the lake? There's a fairly lit up area so we won't get snuck up on." Techno asked in a whisper, quickly walking away from the horde of skeletons and nearier to Pogtopia. "It's nicer than sitting in some cave all day."

The food was suprisingly good from some anarchist hybrid pig who doesn't know how to cook cow without causing multiple forest fires. "Y/N. Can I ask you something?" Technoblade suddenly asked, taking another bite from his meal, sinking his tusks into the food. "What's up?" Y/N replied in between bites, struggling with the sheer size of the meat. "It's about Tommy and Wilbur, well mostly Wilbur. He just seems to be a bit.. off. He asked me for a bag of gunpowder yesterday, who needs gunpowder other than for explosives. I don't think we're gonna need to go that far to take down a drunk ram man." Techno explained, keeping his pink eyes transfixed on the dimming sunset. I don't think he does well with eye contact; or any social interaction really.

"I'm sure Wilbur's fine, he may just be overreacting." Y/N said with a soft smile. "Do you mind if you talk to him about it? Calm him down and stuff. You're more, smart in that department. I think I'd just mess it up more." Techno asked, stuttering over his words a few times. "Of course! You training me is already a big favour, don't be afraid to ask." Y/N replied, elbowing the older pig man as he smiled back. He reached up and took of his yellow and jewel-covered crown, dropping it on top of the younger's head.

"We need to get you some accessories, maybe a smaller crown or some rings and stuff. You can't look intimidating without some gowns and an extravagant outfit." Techno then completely changed the subject, the two of them now debating which accessories are better.

Maybe this whole war wasn't such a bad thing.

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