🌸Fundy🌸 - Portals

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Request by: LunaPhoenixNero

Words: 2190

Hot molten rock scorched on the soles of my shoesas I ran across patches of netherack. Squeals screeched behind me as the horde of piglins continued to keep up with me. I knew the Nether was a dangerous place, I knew I should've stayed back in the comfort of my home. All of this for some blaze rods, and the fortress was somehow looted already! The road infront was just flat out netherack for about a mile, then a grey biome with pillars of different heights. I think I could outrun them through there, get some high ground so I can heal up and try and make my way home.

My feet are starting to ache from all the running, my entire body feels enflamed from the running lava all around me. I kept running and running, the dark grey pillars becoming more and more clear in the distance. To my right was a nether portal that stretched out in four different directions. Oh thank the heavens, a way out of here.

A sharp pain dug into the back of my spine, ripping a long hole in the back of my tshirt. I think I've been shanked. My entire body is shaking, blood pouring out from my back and onto the red craters below me. My way out is close enough, I just need to pull myself up and get to the portal and I'm fine. Will I even have enough strength to pull up my body weight or am I just going to get eaten alive by the predators behind me.

My vision is starting to get spotty, everything infront of me is just becoming mixes of grey and red. The grey is becoming more and more central, I think I'm getting closer. The pillars ranged from different heights, and the ones infront were seemingly carved in a upwards line towards a staircase. I hope piglins can't jump.








The screeches that haunted my every move where now moving into the distance. They can't catch up anymore so they've given up on the chase. My body collapsed onto the blackstone path, my entire body shaking and sweating from all of the running. I looked down in my hands; red streaks of dried blood covered my palms, that was from the original fight.

I was able to muster up enough energy to sit up and onto my knees. I reached around to my back, tracing the scar now encarved in my back from the golden sword. That hadn't dried up yet, it was only a few moments ago so of course it didn't. Blood still pattered down, soaking my hands with fresh blood. Blood always smelled so weird, all metallic and shit, I don't think I want to smell it ever again after today.

My vision is still spotty, black circles dancing all around me. I need to get up and get to that portal. Atleast let me pass out in the Overworld, that way I won't get murdered in my sleep by passing pigmen or something. An orange blob emergered from the purple glow, he quickly noticed me and ran up to my body. I collapsed back onto the hard ground before he could even reach me.

"Oh fuck. Hey, hey! Can you hear me? Shit, that's - --- -- blood. A-Are you dead? ..Okay, no, -- there's a pulse there. Can you ---- ---- eyes for me? I-I think Niki has --- --- ------- supplies. L'manburg isn't --- far ------- - can- I --- --- --- ----- in time. Just ---- --------- --- -- okay!"


I awoke in a soft bed, a knitted blanket covering my body. It was hard to open my eyes, they felt like they were being forced shut by some invisible weight. I could feel some sort of person next to me, their hand placed on my forehead as they traded a wet towel out for another one. They seemed to notice my stirring as they spoke up, "Oh, are you awake?" Their voice was high pitched, most likely a girl's voice. "Don't strain yourself, your injuries are still healing. I've bandaged and stitched it up as much as I could but there may some permanent scars, especially around the spinal area. Give me a moment I'll go get Fundy."

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