🌸Wilbur🌸 - Interruptions and Flirting

6.2K 170 38

Request by: valenmerino01

Words: 1074

3rd Person POV
The cold rain patted against the train window, slightly blurring the outside from view. The beaches of Brighton faded into the sunset, oh how she was going to miss this. The girl sat in the train booth seat and mindlessly scrolled through Twitter, replying to some of her friends as she tried to pass the time. The girl, Y/N, was currently driving from her current home in Brighton back to Nottingham, England. It was almost the holidays and had decided to spend the time with her family. The ride was to be about 5 hours, and that amount of tine on a train is boring for anyone. Even though she was eager to see her family after all these months, she'd be lying if he said she wasn't missing her old friends. Especially a certain male.

The train screeched to a slow halt after 5 eventful hours, the big steel doors opening up to the cold England sky. 5:47PM, great right on time. The young girl looked up from her phone, trying to get used to the nostalgic enviroment. Okay, house, should be to the left. Passing through the busy streets, the girl had quickly made her way back to her childhood home, the slight sound of cars and double decker buses passing by. Knock, knock, knock! The door swung open, revealing Y/N's mother. "Oh, hello Y/N! Earlier than expected, your brothers busy streaming right now." She winked as she said that as she took one of my bags from my hand and let me in. Time to go cause some chaos.


"OI YOU AMERICAN TWAT! WILBUR, TUBBO, CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS??" Tommy shouted in disbelief as he started up yet another argument with Dream. TommyInnit was currently streaming to 56,391 viewers with Tubbo, Wilbur and Mr Dreamwastaken. He continued to shout at the others while unbeknownst to him, his white door creaked open and in walked his sister. The chat immediately went wild, spamming women, sisterinnit and the whole shabang they normally do. Y/N stood infront of his door just staring at Tommy, but it wasn't long until he noticed her. "Oh Y/N what the fuck are you doing here- OH WAIT!" Tommy spinned around and waved at his sister, a genuine and innocent smile on his face. "Oh, hello Y/N!" Wilbur said, I could barely hear him through his headphones, "HI Y/N!!" Tubbo shouted, a lot more louder than Wilbur.

Y/N came up behind the blondette, stealing his headphones and pushing him out of his own room; hijacking his own stream. "WOW WOW WOW WOAH WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Tommy shouted as the door closed and locked infront of him. "Good evening twitch.tv/tommyinnit chat. Tommyinnit is no more, I am eternal." Y/N said as she sat down in his chair and put on his headphones, being greeted by Wilbur and Tubbo applauding. "Chats, if you somehow don't know. This is Tommy's sister, Y/N, I kinda forgot you were visiting him today." Wilbur explained to everyone's streams as Y/N got accustomed to Tommy's setup, running around to find the other two in Minecraft. "Oh stop lying Wilbur, you were at the train station in Brighton when I left!" Y/N replied back, Tubbo responding with a very long and loud "OHHHHHH!"

Wilbur and Tommy gave Y/N a tour, the whole time you could hear Tommy banging on the door and asking to let him in. After a while, their parents had forced her to let him in, damned younger child. So now the two of them were constantly arguing over who got to play on the Dream SMP. Y/N eventually gave up and just stood behind him and occasionally playing, and by playing I mean pushing Tommy out of the way and slamming her hands on the desk.

"Y/NNNNNNNN." Wilbur said, dragging out the girl's name. "Willllllllll." Y/N replied back. "When are you coming back to Brighton?" Wilbur asked as he ran up to Tommy's minecraft character and started beating him senseless. "I left like an hour ago, you're more clingy than Tommy. I'll be back in a week." Wilbur groaned as Tommy's character died, "A week? That's too long! Who am I going to go out to get coffee with??" His microphone glitched out a few times as he spun around lazily in his chair.

The two young adults continued talking for most of the stream, that's if you could even call it talking. It was no secret that the two were dating - they had met when Y/N moved to Brighton and bonded over their love of video games and music taste. The two had been dating for just over a year now and had been together for must of those 365 days, so it was a bit sad when Y/N suddenly left Wilbur for a whole week. "Oh come on now Wilbur, you have other friends. I'm sure Jack and Kai aren't busy, why can't you go get coffee with them?" Y/N asked, completely interrupting Tommy and Tubbo's conversation, but chat didn't seem to mind, they were loving all this lovey dovey shit.

"Mhmmm, but Jack is always busy with his family and Kai is busy editing or with his band." Wilbur complained like a little child, seems like hanging out with Tommy this much has changed the man. "Well why don't you go out by yourself for a change?" Wilbur gasped dramatically at this, "ALONE!? Are you insane? That is the most embarassing thing ever, not pogchamp. Plus, what if I get mugged? This is England yknow." Tommy mumbled something about drugs and alleyways but was drowned out by his older sister, "Even if you were getting mugged I would be no help, we both know I have zero upper body strength." The two both laughed at this as Tommy sat there stone faced. "I fucking hate adults. Hey Y/N I think moms calling you, go speak to your boyfriend some other time." Tommy said as he abruptly stood up and pushed his old sister out of his room, much to Wilbur and chats annoyance. "Please bring her back Tommy, you're gonna start dropping viewers. Please Tommy oh my god imagine all the funny bits we could do, please Tommy it would be so funny omg, I'm gonna start crying-"

🌸𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🌸 (SMALL HIATUS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon