🌸DNF🌸 - Love or Host

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Request by: bad_bleebitch0

Words: 2044

"Okay George. You will now go on two seperate dates with each of the contestants. You will then get to choose your final Love or Host. You ready, Gogy?"

No he wasn't. Even if he nodded his head and replied with a simple yes, he wasn't ready. The final two contestants for George's Love or Host were now infront of his PC screen. Minx, an loud Irish girl that everyone either adored or despised. And... Dream. His best friend and probably the biggest Minecraft YouTube right now. The fact that Dream was here was still shocking to him. He hadn't even told him before hand that he'd be on of the contestants, he was just as shocked as the Twitch chat. But he didn't have much time to dawdle on that thought, he had some dates to attend to.

The first was Minx. She was nice, George thought, maybe a bit loud but he could definitely see them dating at some point. They had a good blend on differences and similarities. "Listen George. I normally try to win these Love or Host's cause I'm really fuckin' lonely. But I'm not gettin' in the way of whatever you two got going on." Minx explained, stiffling a laugh as George's cheeks a deep red. "There is nothing going on between me and Dream, we are just friends." George stuttured, trying his best not to look at the Twitch chat knowing what their reaction would be already. "Yeah yeah, just remember that I spent my date time not tryna convince you whether I chose Love or Host." Mink winked, a sly smile on her face as Austin announced the end time and muted Mink. That little bit-

"George?" Dream's voice flooded George's earphones, startling him slightly. "Hello, Dream." George replied, staring directly at the green blob on his PC computer. "Sorry for not telling you before, it was funnier though you have to admit." Dream chuckled out, George just chuckled along, still unsure on what to say. "Listen, George. If you pick me then I'll show a suprise I have planned." Oh man the chat must be having a field day right now. But, that suprise did intrigue George, Dream always did have good suprises. "Oh man, George. This must be a hard choice!" Austin said as the timer hit zero, Minx and Dream now both unmuted.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, George has made his decision." Everyone went dead silent, waiting in anticipation for Austin to announce the results. "And George chose.... DREAM!" George rolled his eyes while Dream screamed down his microphone in victory, even Minx was congratulating the masked man. "I'm sorry Minx, but atleast you admitted to knowing you'd loose." Austin said to the Irish gal, Minx just shaking her head and repeating what she told George minutes before. Minx was soon removed from the call, leaving George and Dream to stare at each other while Austin still spoke in the background. "Now then, time to find out what Dream chose.."

Oh. George forgot about that. What if Dream chose Host? What if that suprise was just a ploy to make him chose him and have him confess his feelings to him just to get shot down. Dream just laughed, a small laugh that George could of imagined if Austin hadn't pointed it out.

"Today on GeorgeNotFound's Love or Host..."

"Dreamwastaken chose..."


George regretted having facecam on now, he must of looked like a bumbling idiot. Dream just kept silent, as too did George both of them processing the past few hours. "So, what's that suprise about, Dream?" George asked, a smirk on his face as Dream sighed. "Check Discord DM's." George swapped gaze over to the other monitor where discord was opened. He scrolled to Dream's profile, seeing two new messages from the man. The first was a simple yet intimidating smily face. The second message was a picture of.. airplane tickets?

"What the.. Dream!" George shouted in desbelief as he looked over the tickets once again. Dream was wheezing that laugh he always did while Austin sat in confusion. "Come on, George! What'd he send you?" Austin asked, repeating the voices of the Twitch chat. "I sent George plane tickets."

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