🌸Quackity🌸 - La persecución

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Request by: MegaOreoFan

Disclamer: Just pretend that Wilbur and Schlatt aren't dead alright, I just wanted them and El Rapids to interact ;-;

Also all Spanish is just google translate so if it's weird that's why.

Words: 763

"Big Q... Why do you have a multi-colour Dream mask? This is a pretty piss poor attempt of a cosplay." Quackity, or Mexican Dream as he now called himself, grumbled, reajusting his outfit so everything was comfy. "Shut up man. I'm Mexican Dream and we are going to speedrun." He grabbed Y/N and began to push her up the man-made hill they had made, named El Rapids. "You? Speedrunning? Yeah good luck with that." Y/N rolled her eyes, the two of them now reaching the top of the hill. Mexican Dream maneuvered his friend towards a table in the middle of their land; George, Sapnap and Karl where also huddled there.

"Why did you have us all come here Quac- I mean, Mexican Dream." George asked, taking a seat on the table beside Sapnap. Quackity didn't respond, only dropping a tacky briefcase on the table and opening it up. Inside were a few bundles of string, delicately placed as if they were the most precious thing in the world. "String? You brought us all the way out here to show off some string?" Sapnap grumbled, grabbing his axe from it's holder and getting ready to leave. "WAIT MAN, WAIT MAN." Mexican Dream yanked Sapnap back with a suprising amount of strength. He took out one of the strings and lined it up neatly, before slamming his head onto the table and beginning to "snort" it.


"What the fuck are you doing?" Karl giggled out, absolutely losing it over the current events. "DRUGS! COME ON KARLOS GET IN ON THIS." Mexican Dream threw a bundle of string to Karl, who also joined in on "snorting" the "cocaine". "I hate all five of you." George said, Sapnap looking over in betrayal at the Brit. "Come on amigos, this is a big time bonding experience!" George just scoffed, "I'm not getting high you wankers!"

5 minutes later...

"Hey Dreammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." George was now ""high"". He wasn't, he snorted string. If this was an act it sure was convincing. Dream had eventually heard out laughter and screams and decided to investigate, immediately getting bombarded by George's weird affection. "Sapnap did you give George alcohol again? I told you he has a super low tolerance." Dream just sighed, seemingly used to George acting like a 18 year old who could legally drink for the first time. Sapnap was absolutely loosing it, so was everyone else though, their faces were red and tears streamed down their faces. "H-He sno- He snorted string." Sapnap giggled out, Dream staring down at the fake high boy below before giving and laughing along too.

After a lot of convincing and explaining, Dream too had joined the "string high club" - Karl came up with the name. At this point, we were all too far into this bit. We had made our way into the main part of L'manburg and acted like drunk teens after a frat party. "Right, right, what's all this 'en." Atop a hill a British voice stopped their antics. Wilbur Soot. "WILBUR WE ARE HIGH!" Karl shouted up to the brown haired man, Sapnap slapping him playfully for shouting so loud. Wilbur's eyes widened, he looked around suspiciously before heading off his hill and joining the group, "Do you- Do you have any more?" Mexican Dream smirked, taking out his briefcase and handing Wilbur some string.


"yknow. yknow mexican dream. ive only known you for like, what, three minutes, but i can proudly say that you are my best friend."

"será. siento lo mismo mi amigo. creo que estoy enamorado de ti. apenas te he conocido, pero nunca he conocido a un caballero más asombroso y talentoso. ahora te estoy proponiendo. mira, estoy de rodillas. por favor mi amor lo hago así que espero que correspondas mis sentimientos."

"ah your speaking spanish now. hold up hold up. sueño mexicano. acepto tu propuesta. ahora somos marido y marido. mwah. ven mi amor, vamos a retozar en los valles de gales y hacer el amor."

"Wait Wilbur I didn't know you spoke Spanish."

"cállate niño, me voy a casar."

"voluntad, mi amor. Estoy tan feliz ahora mismo. pensar que la cocaína nos unió. La lección que aprendimos hoy aquí es que las drogas son algo bueno. ahora estamos teniendo sexo hahahahahahahahha vamos a mover jejejeje."

"What the fuck is even happening anymore."

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