🌸Karl🌸 - Alternate Universe

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Request by: bahahahabees

Words: 1465

Purples and greens mixed together in the boy's vision. His entire body felt weightless as the time travel did it's magic. It was such a weird feeling, then again what would you expect from litreally bending space and time. A white light began more and more clear in the background, atleast it's finally over.

Karl landed somewhat graciously in a pure quartz room. A table was to his left and a desk with a sign on it; 'theropay'. Dark green vines obscured the exit, only small rays of yellow sunlight peeking through. "I feel like I've seen this room before." Karl muttured to himself, collecting himself together as he slowly walked towards the vines. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the vines out of the way and stepped out into the sunlight.

His feet landed on oak planks, a brick wall ahead of him as his eyes adjusted to the sudden burst of light. To his left was a long straight oak path leading up a hill, it was too far away to tell what's on the hill. To his right was, the community house. "Oh." Karl stuttured, turning to walk towards the old building. Dream blew it up just before Doomsday, how is it here. Did he time travel back like two months or so? Everything was just a bit out of place. It felt, off.

Karl backtracked and followed the left side of the Prime Path. He passed by Church Prime, everything looked fine there. The lead up to Tommy's house was a bit barren but overall the same. Tommy's house was made out of stone, it looked a bit more simplistic but yet again everything looked the same. The bench was there, Bad and Skeppy's mansion and.. the path to L'manburg.

This was the one thing that could help pinpoint when in time Karl was. Either the time travel just didn't work and for someone reason threw him under Ponk's house, or this is the Dream SMP in a different time; the future or the past.

A large blackstone and yellow wall obscured the grass plains and building from walls. Oh honk. Karl stood at the top of the Prime Path, looking over the spruce trees and small houses in awe. He never really got a chance to really see L'manburg for all it's beauty, as soon as he got here he joined Schlatt because Quackity and Sapnap were. Karl always secretly rooted for the Pogtopia rebels, he even had hidden a L'manburg flag in his room during that period. But he never got to see the nation that Wilbur made, the Wilbur before he went all crazy.

Karl's question still remains though; is this the past or some alternate L'manburg. Maybe a timeline where the election never happened? It's too early to tell. At that moment, Karl felt a slight nudge on his shoulder. He turned around and came eye to eye with green eyes, "Good morning, Karl! Dream said you wouldn't be arriving for another month or so." Tubbo greeted the older, shaking his hand with a broad smile. Tubbo was wearing the L'manburg uniform. Karl isn't supposed to be here yet.

"O-Oh. Yeah, I just wanted to arrive here early. Do you know what the date is today?" Karl asked, following down the Prime Path as Tubbo skipped towards L'manburg.  "It's August 13th, we're fighting for our independence tommorow! Speaking of which, I need to go prepare. I'll speak to ya later, Karl." Tubbo waved goodbye to the time traveller and made his way down to L'manburg. "The 13th? I thought they got independence in the start of August." Karl thought to himself, watching as Tubbo and Tommy met up by the camarvan. This isn't Karl's reality, this is some alternate reality. I wonder what else is different from the original L'manburg.

× × × × × × × ×

It was early morning when Karl arrived, it was now midday. Sapnap had met up with him and toured him around the rest of the SMP. This isn't the same Sapnap that he fell in love with. Karl was absolutely sure now that this is some alternative L'manburg. The time travel never brought him to a reality apart from his own, it was always either the future or the past. "And this is, L'manburg. I wouldn't get involved with them, they just want freedom from a non-existant tyrant." Sapnap explaines to him, patting him on the back before leaving to attend to his own business. Something was off with Sapnap too, this isn't the man he's soon to marry.

It was now or never, Karl needed to see L'manburg. It seems everything that changed is because of this one little place, so what's so different about L'manburg here. The young time traveller made his way down the Prime Path, coming face to face with a half-closed blackstone gate. British voices echoed from inside the walls, I think they're discussing tommorow. Karl entered into the nation, immediately alerting its inhabitants. "Fuck of- Oh, hello Karl." Wilbur turned around to greet him, rolling up a piece of paper and placing it away out of view. It probably has some battle plans on it, not that Karl really needs to know though. "Sorry for just bursting in so suddenly, I wanted to come visit L'manburg." Karl made his way across the grass to meet the L'manburgians.

"I'll introduce you to everyone!" Tubbo pushed himself forward, grabbing Karl's hand to tour him around. "This is President Wilbur. Vice President Tommy, he's very loud. Fundy, Wilbur's son, don't ask about his mum he gets very emotional. Eret, he's super cool. And Y/N, she's one of the newer members, I think she knew Tommy and Wilbur before they arrived." Tubbo went around and introduced everyone, adding in his own little quips to each person. One person in particular stood out to Karl, a girl called Y/N. He had never heard of her before, and she definitely wasn't in the real L'manburg.

Is this the big difference? The existance of one person?

The young boy was too caught up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice he was staring right at her. "Karl. Like, Karl Jacobs? Mr Beast?" She asked, approaching the other to look him in the eyes. "Uh, yeah that's me." He introduced himself, getting mental whiplash from having to change headspaces. "So, why have you come round here?" The girl asked, continuing to stare at him with some weird intimidation tactic. "Dream invited me." Karl replied quickly, still quite unsure of everything that was happening and who this new girl was. "How did you get to L'manburg?" Karl redirected the question back, seeing a smirk slip onto the girl's face. "Me, Tommy and Wilbur are childhood friends. I was one of the first invited to join."

"Ah, that's cool." Karl replied, nodding and trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. "You seem a bit tense. Run into Dream and his lackeys?" She asked, the smirk turning into a soft smile as the both of them relaxed more. "Sapnap did lead me here, but he wasn't exactly mean to me." The two chuckled, relaxing into a normal conversation and not some intense interrogation. "Would you like a tour?" She offered, and with a nod from Karl they began the tour.

× × × × × × × ×

The day came to a close much sooner than either of them wanted or anticipated. They had became quite good friends from just hanging out through the day. Karl didn't get any answers to his questions, but he didn't really mind. After a quick tour through L'manburg where Karl pretended to have never been here before, the two set off to visit the rest of the server. The pair where now settled up on a hill looking over the sea, the orange and red hues of light resting below the sea water.

"Yknow, I thought you were gonna be a right dick when I first met you, Karl. But I think we're gonna get along pretty well." Y/N smiled, crossing his arms and turning to face the other. "Yeah, you're pretty cool too. I hope we get to hang out more." Karl knew he was lying, he would have to leave eventually but he didn't want to completely turn down a new friendship. This is the longest he's stayed in time travel, he hopes he isn't actually trapped in here.

Karl isn't exactly sure if he wants to leave yet. A new person and timeline brings along new mysteries and questions to answer. Plus, Karl normally has to go and try to solve some conflict. That seems to be the one thing that always brings him back to his own reality.

Karl supposed he could stick around for a while...

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