🌸Ranboo and Niki🌸 - Siblings

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Request by: ClaraWasFound

Words: 1130

"Ranboo~" The young boy was shaken awake by another young girl, his older sister to be exact. He opened up his red and green eyes, groaning slightly at the sudden rush of light and noise. "Mmmhm, I'm up, Niki, I'm up!" He pushed the young girl off his bed as he reluctantly got up himself. Niki had already bounced over to a tall mirror in the corner to fix her messily down braids. Despite it being 7AM, Niki was already up and dressed into her sunflower overalls and yellow shirt. "Hurry up and get dressed! I have the best prank idea yet, you're gonna love it!" Niki ran back over to her little brother, throwing him some clothes and then running out of their shared room to let him get dressed. Ranboo took out a deep sigh, "It is too early for this."

Sliding down the polished wooden banister, Ranboo joined his sister and his other older brother at the breakfast table. "Good morning, Ranboo." Tubbo greeted him before continuing to eat his breakfast. "Okay men!" Niki said, slamming her empty bowl into the middle of the table, didn't she come downstairs like 2 minutes ago? How did she eat that so quickly? "For once, Tommy and Dream aren't busy fighting together, so I've came up with a great prank idea!" Niki bounced up off the table and ran around her two younger brothers for a moment in excitement. "Dream and Tommy? They're gonna murder us if we prank them." Ranboo replied to his hyper-active sister inbetween mouthfulls of cereal. "Aren't they in between a big war for Tommy's discs or something? Maybe we should do it in a week or so when they calm down." Tubbo replied, the two boys who were around their age had been battling over some music discs for about a month now, they'd be pissed.


Neither of the two brothers knew how it happened, but the next thing they knew they were heading over to Tommy's little hangout area; a small dirt hole in a wall held up by cobblestone and other stones. "TOMMY!" Tubbo called out, knocking on the wall since there wasn't any actual doors to his home. Out walked a tall blondette boy, littered with multi-coloured plasters from his previous squabbles. "Good morning Big T." Tommy said, smiling and waving to his friend. It seems as if the only time Tommy let's his guard down is around Tubbo. "Me, Niki and Ranboo made this thing in the forest, you need to come check it out!" Tubbo excitedly said as he pulled on Tommy's red and white sleeve, this whole prank hinged on the two boys friendship. "Alright alright fine, I'll come see what you made." Tommy chuckled and rolled his eyes as he allowed himself to be pulled around by Tubbo.

Niki was the only one who knew where this prank was, so she was leading, with Ranboo and then Tubbo and Tommy following close after. Tommy and Tubbo were busy chatting away, Niki whispered to Ranboo, "Take this disc, you need to throw it in the lava." Niki handed a black and purple disc to Ranboo before returning to walking alone. The boy put the small disc away in a coat pocket, turning around to make sure the boys didn't notice - they didn't. Okay game plan, Ranboo. Just throw the disc in the lava. Isn't this one of Tommy's discs? How and why did Niki have it, and why did she want to burn it. Niki flashed Tubbo a wink, and he smirked back, all three siblings were now aware of the plan to prank the "great" TommyInnit.

Out in the middle of the spruce forest was a small lava puddle, it was probably natural, they seem to have a lot deep in the woods. Stumps of trees could be seen, the top half being burned off by the surrounding fire; fortunately the fire hadn't spread and only effected a few trees and leaves. On the other side of the four children stood a lone juxebox and a bench, the oak wood standing out amongst the harsh environment. "...What is this?" Tommy asked as Tubbo ran over to Ranboo, slipping the disc out of his pocket and then sitting down on the bench, hiding the purple Melohi behind his back. "I found this nice lava hole, and the sunset looks nice here. Plus, Dream doesn't know this place exists, so we can listen to our music in peace. And even if he does find us, Niki and Ranboo can hold him off." Tubbo smiled as he showed Tommy the disc, the blondette easily forgot about how Tubbo even got his disc from his ender chest and was just happy that he could spend some peaceful time with his best friend.

Tubbo slid in the music disc, letting the Melohi music play and surround the two boys. Tommy just sat down and closed his eyes, taking in the atmosphere - completely unbeknownst to what was to happen. The music came to a sudden halt, snapping the boy out of his melodic trance. "What the fuck?" Tommy asked, sitting back up. Standing across to him was Tubbo, holding the purple shiny disc in one hand, dangling it above the bubbling lava. "Tubbo?" Tommy asked, standing up to meet his emerald eyes, what the fuck was happening. Tubbo smiled, a sweet almost sadistic smile, as he took his fingers of the disc; one by one. "Hey hey Tubbo, listen man, I don't know what I did to annoy you but I'm sorry, just please don't burn my disc. Dream already has my other o-" Tommy rambled on but it was too late, the last finger came off and the disc dropped, quickly getting burned alive and cremated by the red liquid. "-ne."

Tommy stood in shock, his diamond blue eyes fixated on where his precious disc used to be. "TUBBO!" He shouted at his friend, confused as to why his friend was on the verge of laughter. "Tommy I-. Tommy, oh my god. Where was- where was the last place you had your disc?" Tubbo asked between childish laughs as he clutched his stomach. "YOU JUST BURNED IT WHA DO YOU MEA-" Tommy shouted before cutting himself off prematurely, thinking for a moment. Niki appeared from behind a tree with Ranboo holding a ender chest. The young boy snatched it out and threw it open, searching through the small disc until he pulled out another small purple disc. "The fuck... OH YOU BASTARD." Tommy yelled as he ran and punched Tubbo, the two engaging in a friendly duel.

After bribing Tommy with a trip to Fundy's ice cream shop, the four of them schemed their next prank...

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