🌸DNF🌸 - Romance is Boring

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First time writing DreamNotFound/Gream pogchamp. I'm not even that big with DNF I just liked Wilbur's cover of Los Campesinos! and had a cool idea for it. Please don't rip me to shreds DNF shippers I just like these types of stories :]

Words: 1742

Darling, I'm with St. Bernard's and we're scouring the Alps and the Andes.

Dream stood in the middle of a somewhat empty airport, his emerald eyes scanning the marble walls, searching for a certain brunette. After months and months of waiting and wishing, the two boys were finally able to meet; thank god this stupid pandemic had calmed down enough for international flights. He had been anticipating this day for months now, calling the brit almost every hour and sending him google map links to all ths places they could visit in Florida. George's flight only just landed at 6am, but Dream had been up for hours before then; he hadn't been able to sleep for about a week now, his brain was too hyped for George's visit.

And if they die then it is on my head.

His racing thoughts were cut off by a phone notification; a text from George. 'Where r u?' Dream chuckled at George's weird sleep deprived texting habits. 'Underneath baggage claim 6, I look like all those fanart things, you'll know me when you see me ;)' Dream giggled at his winky face, god he was such a child. He put the phone away, returning to searching for his British friend.

They follow paw prints in the snow to my throne, to my bed.

"I'm so tired, I couldn't sleep that entire flight." George groaned out as the two of them collected the rest of his suitcases. "You can sleep in the car. I'm a good driver." Dream said, taking the rest of his bags out of the tired boys hands, god this shit was heavy. How much shit does he bring with him? "I do not trust your driving skills. Plus, trying to sleep in a moving vehicle is like, impossible." The two of them reached the garage, starting to load George's all blue luggage into the car. Dream pulled out a pillow from seemingly nowhere and threw it at his face. "There you go. Snuggle up Gogy." Dream joked as he sat in the driver's seat, George sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

You're pouting in your sleep, I'm waking still yawning. We're proving to eachother that romance is boring.

The two boys sat in comfortable silence as Dream drove them from the airport to his house. He would occasionally look over to George and check up on him. His eyes were closed as his head tilted against the car window, his brown hair slightly knotted from all the flying and sleeping. He looked so peaceful yet so angry at the same time. How can one man be so many things at once? Dream kept his emerald eyes transfixed on the Florida roads ahead, trying to keep his eyes from slipping into sleep. He can just take a nap when he gets home, that's what he keeps telling himself.

Still there are things I could do if I was half prepared to, prove to each other that romance is boring.

It still hadn't really struck Dream that George, the Brit who he had been waiting to see, was know in the same car as him. He probably never will get used to this, it's like a weird dream that he'll never wake up from; not like he would want to. This is all he ever wanted. Everything is ready and planned out; they were going to go pick up Sapnap, visit Disney World, go to the beach, spend time together and just be a bunch of good friends. The Dream Team would be together, even if only for a week or so.

🌸𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🌸 (SMALL HIATUS)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin