🌸Awesamedude🌸 - Sam Nook!

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Request by: 1d0ntg1veafuk3

Words: 903

"You want to visit Dream?" A voice asked through the intercom, staring down at the younger girl through a security camera. Sam had no real reason to not let her in, that's probably why he just sat in silence waying the options. He could always just deny her visit if he doesn't like the answers she gives. Y/N was the newest member of this server, joining only about 2 weeks ago, around the same time Tommy was revived actually.

Sam still felt guilty for letting Tommy die to the hands of Dream, and he wasn't even that shocked that he was angry and upset at him. The way Tommy flinches at the slightest touch and avoids pain at all points, it was hard to see the happy kid they all knew now brought down to a bundle of trauma and pain. That experience is probably why he's having such a tough time letting Y/N in. "She still has all three lives." Sam told himself, instructing the girl to enter the portal and flipping the levers behind him.

Y/N came back through the other portal, taking a moment to marvel at the interior of the prison. "I have a few questions for you." Y/N nodded, Sam taking out a questionnaire book ready to fill in. "Have you ever visited the prison before?" Y/N shook her head, nope. "Do you think that the prisoner deserves their punishment?" Another nod, yes. "Do you have a prior relationship to the prisoner?" Another shake of the head, "I've never met him."

"Do you recognise I, Awesamdude, as the ultimate authority and every thing I say goes?" A final nod and Sam closed the book, placing the book and nearby quill into a chest for safe keeping. "You'll have the locker to the right, leave all your items in there." Y/N nodded with a smile, walking into the small blackstone room and depositing everything on her with no resistance. Maybe if Sam let Tommy take in his stuff he wouldn't have died.

The two went all of the prison procedures, soon bringing them to the lava wall that separated Dream from the outside world. "Stand on that platform. It'll start to move when the lava reaches the ground." Sam pressed the button, hearing the redstone do it's magic as the lava began to fall. "Be safe, Y/N." "I will."

× × × × × × × ×

Sam was starting to worry. She had been in for less than a minute but the knowledge that Sam could only hear them if they shout worry him. He fiddled with the hilt of his netherite sword, accidentally picking off some of the material off the sword. The creeper hybrid stood as close as he could to the lava without burning off his face, trying to get any idea of what the two were dicussing;

"Y/N, huh? Nice name."


"Have the others told you about the server? I would assume they would explain the history of this whole place, right?"

"No, not really. I know little bits and piece though. Like, I know Tommy died and you brought it back, Techno likes blowing stuff up, Tubbo was the President of some country once. But not anything big. That's why I came to visit you actually."

"Oh? You want me to tell you, why would I do that?"

"Well maybe because you're stuck in prison and this is the only actual conversation you'll be having for a while. Start talking."

"... Fair enough."

Sam didn't like the sounds of that. He jerked himself away from the lava wall, pressing away at the buttons and levers to bring the lava back.

The row of netherite blocks suddenly jolted up from the ground, shocking even Dream as they both just stared at it. "Huh." Lava began to sink, leaving the two confused as it continued to drip down just like it did mere minutes ago. "Sam? What are you doing?" Dream asked, edging closer to the blocks that divided him from his escape. Sam didn't answer, instead letting the redstone talk to him as he moved with the platform to the prison cell. "Apologies, Dream. Visitation rights are finished for today." Sam said, mining away a block of netherite away and pulling Y/N away, placing the heavy block back just before Dream could slip through himself.

"What!? It's barely even midday, me and Y/N were having a lovely conversation, right?" Dream eyed Sam, his thrown out mask not allowing him to hide his emotions like he used to. "I'm the Warden, I decide." And with that Sam and Y/N left the cell and made their way back to the central area. "What's up, Sam?" Y/N asked, confused yet worried as to why Sam had just suddenly bombarded in to the cell and escorted her out. She knew he had the better judgement in this situation but still, she was allowed to be curious.

Sam brought the younger into a tight hug, petting her hair as he tried to calm himself down more than anything. "I was just worried, that's all. If you have any questions just come to me, okay? I won't lie to you but Dream will." Y/N nodded into his warden suit, hugging back quickly before wiggling out of the tight hug. "..I'm gonna go annoy Tommy. Can we get out of here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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