🌸Wilbur🌸 - Am I The Bad Guy?

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"Alright, uh, so, uhm, our festival! Yeah, that's what I'm here to announce, the festival. We're gonna throw a party, we're gonna have a good time, and it's gonna be a celebration of democracy, the democracy that put me in power. That evicted the dictator that was here before me! The democracy that let Manburg live up to it's fullest potential. I reckon it's time to celebrate. And, you know I reckon we get everybody down, from all corners of the server except for those two that will not be named. And we share in the festivities, and we enjoy Manberg's independence. We'll have some fun minigames around the great flag, drinking games (thank you Quackity), uh sorry Tubbo. Anyway, MANBERG WOO!! I say we invite all out friends, that Eret guy, uh, Dream if he even plays anymore, my good friend Technoblade, who else even plays on this piece of shit server? I wanna drive home the fact that the fact that this will be a celebration of Manburg, of democracy, of the law, and of the new era of peace. When do you reckon we should hold it fellas? Maybe in a weeks time? Is that enough time? Alright alright, one last round of applause for Manberg, I love this place!"

Jschlatt's voice echoed over the lands of Manberg as he announced the upcoming festival. I turned to my left to see Tommy and Wilbur both staring down at Schlatt. Tommy had already offered to JFK Schlatt but Wilbur had stopped him, there's no use in trying to stop him right now. Schlatt finished his speech as he began to give out roles to each Manberg citizen. Wilbur stood up off of the tower walls, taking one last look at Schlatt before turning around. He made his way to the exit, signalling me and Tommy to follow him down the ladder.


The three of us walked through the spruce forests behind Manberg. Tommy and Wilbur were walking ahead of me, arguing over whether they should of killed Schlatt or not. "Guys, I have a question for you alright cause this festival, this is a pretty good idea, like, this doesn't seem evil. Y'know? This seems like a nice friendly thing Schlatt's doing.." Wilbur changed the topic, still walking ahead of me and Tommy as we silently agreed. It's not like Manberg has suddenly became worse, some people could argue that it's been doing just fine. "Tommy, Y/N, are we the bad guys?"

Wilbur stopped and turned to us, asking us that soon-to-be annoying question. Me and Tommy stopped too,  taking in what Wilbur just said. We stood in complete silence before Wilbur continuted, "Because we just kinda made ourselves the leaders, and now we've had a vote, an- and he won in a democracy government which was completely legal, and now we're trying to overthrow him. It sounds like we're the bad guys, thi- this doesn't feel correct. I-" I looked up at Wilbur, for once he looked geniuely upset and confused, were we the bad guys in this? "Am I a villain in this story? Are we the villains in Manberg's history?" He asked us again, giving us more reasons to doubt ourselves. When Wilbur put it like that, we really aren't doing the right thing. Most of us only continued supporting Pogtopia because we believed Schlatt was wrong and was evil, but it seems like we've been the evil people all along. I turned to look at Tommy, his head tilted down letting his blonde hair cover his face and piercing blue eyes. Tommy wasn't normally someone to sway on his decision, but at this moment he looked so... distraught.

"No." Tommy finally looked up, staring Wilbur in the eye. "Why not?" Wilbur asked him, Pogtopia rising up behind him as we continued making our way back home. "Because.... We started L'manberg and- we should of won that vote." Tommy argued, Wilbur kept the same expression on his face, "But the people decided we shouldn't have." Wilbur was about to start again before Tommy cut him off, "No the people didn't decide the endorsement did. And I don't think that represe-"

"Tommy, we allowed the other party to run. On the day, they said they were going to run against us, and our cockiness, our arrogance, got ahead of us and we allowed it. We said yes, opposing parties are allowed, it's on tape, there's evidence of us making this claim, Tommy. And here we are trying to overthrow them- Tommy I think we're the bad guys." Wilbur had finished his second rant as we finally reached the entrance to Pogtopia.

"But I wanted to say something to the both of you." He stopped infront of the entrance, looking down at the both of us. He took a deep sigh, "Okay we all agree that we're right, we're in the right here, aren't we?" Me and Tommy nodded, even if all of this points to us being the bad guys we're doing this for the good of our nation so who cares. "Then let's be the bad guys....Y/N, Tommy, why not. Look, our nations gone, our nations far behind us. Let's blow that motherfucker to smithereens. Let's blow the whole thing UP!" Wilbur threw his arms in the air, a wide, almost sadistic, grin spread across his face. "Wilbur, are you think-" But before Tommy could argue Wilbur stopped him, "Tommy I say if we can't have Manberg, NO ONE! NO ONE CAN HAVE MANBERG." He slammed his hand down on the chest next to him, startling me and Tommy a bit by his sudden energy and anger. "Wilbur I think we shou-" I tried to calm him down this time but he cut us off again. "I see this- I think this is an era, this is a new era. We burn the place to the FUCKING GROUND. I want no crops to grow there ever again. I want fucking cobblestone everywhere people. I want it all gone." Tommy tried to reach out to Wilbur but he just ignored him, "Let's be villains!" He shouted turning back to me and Tommy.

Me and Tommy were both stunned silent. One minute Wilbur was a calm and somewhat peaceful leader that wanted to protect L'manberg, and now, he was some insane arsonist who wants to completely destroy our home, everything that we had worked and sacrificed for, gone. "I'm gonna need a moment, Will, just to think about..." Tommy stopped himself from continuing. "Think about what, Tommy?" He raised his voice a bit, looking at the 16 year old infront of him. "You've had weeks to think about what to do Tommy!" He shouted at him again. "I just need a minute, you're not thinking straight." Tommy made his way down the staircase to Pogtopia, leaving me and Wilbur in the small room above of him. "What about you, Y/N?" I had spent the entire argument keeping quiet, Wilbur was focused on Tommy so I had no reason to interrupt. Even though I had all this time to think, I never really decided on where I stood.

"I.. I'm not to sure, Wilbur." I said truthfully. "Well, I'm pretty sure Tommy will still stick with me, he'll come around." Wilbur looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder, just like he did back at L'manberg. But before I could think about L'manberg he smiled and leaned in closer, his face inches away from mine, "And don't forget what I have, Y/N. Your precious (S/I)." (imagine tommy's discs but something precious to you)

Wilbur's once sweet smile was now replaced with a malicious smirk. Wilbur's gone fucking crazy. He stood back up into his normal posture, "Just thought I'd remind you, have you made your decision yet?" I looked up at him, I am going to slap this bitch. "Yes. So how much tnt do you want?"

Okay I rushed writing this one and sat for like twenty minutes having no idea what to write for the ending so yeah. I suck at writing those lol. But VILLAIN WILBUR AND LIKE UGH. OKAY SO INSPIRATION FOR THIS: YKNOW WHEN TUBBO TOLD TOMMY ABOUT HOW CONTROLLING WILBUR IS? YEAH ITS LIKE THAT BUT Y/N STILL HAS TO STAY WITH WILBUR BECAUSE YEAH. ANYWAY UGH OMG THE STREAM WAS AMAZING.

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