🌸Skeppy x Dream🌸 - Panic

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Request by: Saremi2007

Words: 1446

Dream's POV

It had been about three months since my face reveal, and the internet had now died down from the inital hype from it. All of it was quite weird to be honest. Going outside and getting recognised by random people, seeing the Dollar Tree cashiers remember you from their Twitter timeline; is this how everyone else feels? The weirdest part for me was seeing my Discord dm's be flooded with my friends telling me how I look nothing like they not expected; not in a bad way though, no you look fucking hot. The weirdest reaction was from Skeppy, one of my oldest friends. He started spamming me in full caps and sending images of some dude he expected me to look like; also a lot of blob drawings of me. Guess some people still think I'm not real.

Seeing him freak out over my face was.. weird. It gave me that funny feeling in my stomach again. I'm not going to dance around the elephant in the room; I like Skeppy, I have for a while. I may ""flirt"" and get shipped with George and other people more, but I've never felt the same around Skeppy. He's always able to bring a smile on my face no matter how bad my day had been. All those Buzzfeed quizzes have told me that I'm in love, and why would Buzzfeed ever lie?

This feeling in his stomach is why Dream was dreading the next few hours of his life. His fingers intertwined in a frazed panic as he scurried along the streets of Florida, walking to a café he'd been to a thousand times; but this time was different. This time he was meeting someone, Skeppy. He was the first one to ask to meet up with him after the reveal, and since he was in the Florida area he had no real reason to decline. I'm a Minecraft YouTuber, you think I go outside? He hadn't met with any of his online friends, other than Sapnap but he's different, so this was something completely different for him. He doesn't like different. But he's willing to step out of his comfort zone if he can see Skeppy in real life. After an hour hanging out the café they can go to his house and hang out like old friends. He just needs to survive for a few hours.

3rd Person POV

Skeppy sat at the café booth table, his bland fingernails tapping melodically against the wooden table he sat at. His baby blues eyes searched around the small area, humming the wii shop theme in boredom. He may look calm and composed on the outside, but inside he was very, very, nervous. He hadn't really met up with any of his online friends yet, well other than Sapnap but that's different, so this was something completely different for him. He doesn't really like different. But he's willing to step out of his comfort zone if he can see Dream face to face.

Skeppy's not a pussy so he'll be the first to admit to only himself that he may have a small little crush on Dream. Sure he may hang out with Bad more but, being around Dream feels different. Hearing him ramble and apologise about the silliest things just made his day so much better. However, his feelings will have to be put to the side for now; he doesn't want to ruin their perfectly normal friendship.

Dream grabbed the café handle, pulling open the door with unneeded force. He quickly scanned and looked for his friend, the two of them quickly connecting eye contact and meeting up. "Well hello Dream." Skeppy slightly teased, his head in his hands and Dream shuffled his way over to the designated spot. "It's nice to meet you too, Skeppy." Dream chuckled, holding out a handshake to Skeppy which he happily returned. The two didn't have long to talk as the waitress approached their table. "Welcome to Sam's Café can I take your order?" The girl asked in a fake happy tone, smiling at the two as she eyed them both. "We'll have two 1/4 pounder burgers please, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber. I'll have a coke and my friend here will have a sprite." Skeppy answered before Dream could even look at the menu. "I'll get to it." She scribbled something on her notepad and then left the two.

"Atleast you chose something good like burgers. Your lucky you know my taste in food." Both of them just laughed, "Yeah, it would of been really awkward if I got it wrong." The two of them easily relaxed into conversation, Skeppy mostly carrying as he explained his days in Florida thus far. "If you're free tommorow we could visit Disney or something. I have an annual pass and a bunch of coupons to use up." Dream suggested, taking a sip out of his sprite the waitress just delivered to them.

"Dude that would be sick! I need some vlog content or else Twitter is gonna eat me alive." Skeppy joked, taking out his phone and showing it off for some reason. "Speaking of appeasing Twitter..." Skeppy just stared at Dream with puppy dog eyes, raising up his phone camera. Dream sighed and smirked, "They only have like two pictures of me, go on then." After some editing and one tweet, the two men were back to their conversation. Discussing what they would do at Disney tommorow since Skeppy is uncultured and hasn't been to many theme parks.

"Here's your food, sirs." A different waitress this time approached them, holding the two plates of food and placing it down infront of them. For a shabby café in the middle of Orlando, it didn't look half bad. "Are you new round here? I haven't seen you here before." The girl said, leaning against the booth corner as she began to talk to Skeppy. "Yes I am." Skeppy replied, looking over to Dream who shared his confused look. "Well, my shift ends in 10. Maybe I could give you a tour of the place?" Oh. Dream understood the situation now. "He's with me, thank you." Dream said with an awkward smile. The waitress stood still for a moment, before reacting as if she saw a ghost. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry I didn't know you two were dating. Please don't tell my boss I promise I love gay people. I'm not homophobic I swear, please don't get me fired!" The girl started apologising as she backed up, leaving a flustered Skeppy and Dream.

"Oh, uh. I didn't mean for it to come out like that, Skeppy. I only said it like that 'cause I was kind of your tour guide I didn't mean it in that kinky possession boyfriend way mot that I'd want to be your boyfriend I mean I would, I have dreamed about that for like months but I don't think you're gay and yeah this is actually very embarassing I should probably shut up now." Skeppy and Dream sat in silence, both of them turning red as they processed the last two minutes. "Oh shit." Skeppy burst into laughter, not a mocking laughter but a ""damn man this is very funny to me"". "Oh I knew it wasn't a mistake visiting you. First day in and we're head over heels for eachother." Dream was still red, a hand slapped over his hand as he realized. "We?"


After a delightful dinner and accidental confession, Dream and Skeppy made their way back to Dream's apartment.

"Okay okay, Shrek 1 or 3?"
"What about Shrek 2!?"
"Shrek 2 is inferior to all other Shrek films and we both know that."
"Fair enough. Let's watch the first one, nostalgia value y'know."

The two made their way into the house, finding seat at his coach as they sat there discussing different movies; hands intertwined like it was something they'd been doing for years now. Dream loaded up Shrek as he joined Skeppy back on the coach, some akwkard space between them.

"Well..?" Skeppy asked as the movie started up, the infamous "Somebody once told me" starting to play as the green Messiah burst out of his swamp and danced in musical number. "Well what?" Dream replied, only being greeted by Skeppy tapping the area next to him. Dream shuffled over slightly, moving so Skeppy could wrap his arms around the older. The two lay there on Dream's couch in comftorable silence, Dream quickly falling into unconsciousness in the hands of his lover. Skeppy soon following.

Coming to Florida was the best decision of his life.

🌸𝕄ℂ𝕐𝕋 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🌸 (SMALL HIATUS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora