🌸Awesamedude🌸 - My Fault

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Words: 1880

Sam knew it was a mistake.

He was the only person Tommy had opened up to about exile, all of the terrible things his ex-friend did to him. The way his normally hyper and unfaltering voice hushed to one of pain and fear, the way the boy shook under him as sobs racked his body just explaining in brief what happened. Sam felt horrible. That damned conversation months ago, it's probably the reason why he felt a need to protect the younger from any danger or triggers that could send him into a panic attack.

Sam was one of the only people on this god forsaken server to understand Tommy, not even Tubbo knew the extent of the exile he indirectly caused. Sam knew, so why did he continue to lock him up in there?

It was supposed to be the end. That's what Tommy kept insisting as he stood by the lava wall and watched it drip further and further down. Dream stood across from them, the mask he once wore to cover his features already burnt, his scarred face on display for any unfortunate victims to see. That's exactly what Tommy was; an unfortunate victim. Without another word, Sam flicked the lever that would lead the boy away, watching the sticky pistons push him closer and closer to his doom. If Sam could go back to this point he would grab Tommy and engulf him in a hug, make sure that Dream would never have another visitor so he couldn't hurt anyone like he had hurt Tommy.

But it's too late for that.

Five minutes into their visit. Explosions could be heard from above the obsidian vault, immediately sending the creeper man into a panic of sorts. "Sam!? What's going on?" He could hear Tommy shout, his loud voice just audible under all the loud noises. "I think it's a security breach. Stay put Tommy, I'll take care of it." Without a second thought, Sam took off, ignoring the pleas of Tommy from the lava and running to catch the culprit.

The roof was empty. The only real indication of TNT going off were the wierd patches of snow that adorned the roof and the strong smell of sulfur and an ashe like substance on the obsidian. Sam gave a quick glance of the area, no one to be seen. Either no one was here or they had ender pearled out of here. Sam sighed, digging his hands into some random pockets in his outfit to escape the outside elements, "Who did this." He muttured to himself, kneeling down to search for more clues.

There were no more clues though. It was a perfect crime of sorts. It left Sam confused; who did it, what did they achieve, why would they do this? He sighed yet again, standing up and deciding to head inside to survey the redstone; hopefully nothing was broken up there, that'd be a pain to fix.

The prison was quiet, abnormally quiet. I mean, it was always quiet, only Dream and Sam were really there and neither of them even spoke a peep. But it was quiet, and Sam was aware of that, he was aware that it wasn't supposed to be like this. Y'know that feeling when you know something bad is going to happen? A shiver running down your spine as everything sets into motion? That's what Sam felt.

His body seemed to move on his own, feet beating against the obsidian floor as he dashed for the high-security cell. He was so glad he installed all these secret passage ways, if not he'd have to go through the entire prison routine and wait. And he couldn't wait any longer. He reached the room, the bubbles of lava seemingly taunting him as he hurried to pull down the lava. It seemed to take so much longer now that he needed to see the cell, minutes maybe even hours passed until the lava just reached the top of his head. He tried to peek over, lifting his body onto his tiptoes to try to catch a peek.

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