🌸Tubbo🌸 - The Letter

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"I may not live to see our glory."

The young boy sat at his newly acquired desk, scribbling away on a book with black ink, detailing the events of his day. It was calm. Abnormally calm, but it had been for about the past week now. The room spelled of lavender, it was peaceful. The only thing you could hear was the quill pressing against the book in soft strokes. Even though they were betrayed by Wilbur and Technoblade and had their nation blown to pieces by three withers; they were doing better than ever. They even had some new guests moving into the now suspended pillars. Life was good. Life was quiet. Life was peaceful.

A knock on the door interrupted the young boy. "Come in." In walked a raven haired man wearing a black business suit, along with a vibrant rose red tie. His hair was slick backed with but you wouldn't be able to tell from the dark blue beanie covering most of his hair. "Good evening, sexytary Quackity." "Good evening, President Tubbo." He nodded slightly as he greeted him, digging his fingernails into the papers he was clutching. Tubbo however kept his head down, keeping focused on the report he had to write up. "There's a letter for you, President Tubbo, from far off lands."

"But I will gladly join the fight."

"It's from Tommy, I'll read it later." Tubbo dismissed it with a wave of a hand, keeping his attention to the important document. Give him a few hours and he'll respond to him. Ever since his exile, Tommy had been sending Tubbo letters almost daily, it had honestly became kind of tiring. He obviously regretted exiling his best friend, but he had Presidental duties to attend to, and it probably wouldn't help his mental state if he kept on giving him false hope. He's free tommorow, he'll go visit him tommorow. "No. It's not." Quackity stuttered out. Tubbo looked up at him with a confused yet intrigued look.

"And when our children tell our story."

"Will you read it for me?" Tubbo asked him, placing the ink quill away for a moment to listen to the letter. Quackity unscrolled the letter, clearing this throat before beginning;

"They'll tell the story of tonight."


On Wednesday the 16th, Lieutenant TommyInnit was killed in a gunfight against Dream in exile. He was shot after trying to make his way back into L'manburg territory. He's buried at his tent in exile until further notice. As you may know, Lieutenant TommyInnit was one of the founding members of L'manburg, and had sacrificed his discs to give L'manburg its independence. As President, you must decide what to do with his funeral arrangments, and whether it shall be held in L'manburg or his exiled home."

"Tomorrow there'll be more of us.."

"Tubbo. Are you alright?" Quackity asked the boy, seeing his face turn a sickly pale, his mouth slightly agape. Tubbo stood up from his desk, pushing the unfinished book away as he yanked his blazer off a coat hanger and swung it over his small figure. "I have so much work to do." He muttered to himself before running out of the room, ignoring the shouts of Quackity behind him.

The trip to Tommy was, hard to say the least. Why did Dream make him travel so far? It didn't help that the bridge had been thinned down too, half of the bridge was just a singular line of oak wood. Tubbo knew he fucked up this time. Maybe if he had made more of an effort to visit after he had exiled him, maybe if he had just-

"Tubbo." He felt a hand on his shoulder and soon a hand wiping away the falling tears from his face, he didn't notice he was crying. "Phil?" Phil grabbed the boy and pulled him into a tight hug. "It's alright buddy." He petted his scruffed brown hair as Tubbo clutched onto his dark green cloak in pain. "Where is he?" He asked the taller man, pushing away from him after realising how long he had been holding onto him. Phil didn't respond, only turning his head to look behind him, giving Tubbo enough of an answer as he walked down the grass path to Tommy's tent. Everyone was crowded around a singular sign and a line of dirt. Niki, Fundy, Jack, Sapnap, George, Dream, even Technoblade was here.

Time didn't seem to exist at this point. It was only until everyone else had grown tired and had left back home; leaving Tubbo and the moonlight alone at Tommy's grave. He was already on his knees, tears streaming down his face as he mumbled out the same apologies over and over again. "I-I-I-I'm sorry, Tommy. If only, if only I actually listened to you. You were right, you're always right, that's what you said right? I shouldn't have listened to Dream, you wouldn't be dead if I wasn't so fucking stupid. I'm sorry, Tommy. I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry, Tommy." The young boy pushed himself off the ground, mud covered his once clean suit from where he had been sitting. The grave was decorated with all sorts of flowers and gifts, Skeppy had even brought Tommy's disc and had leaned it against his gravestone. Tommy had given him a disc, Mellohi, he had been keeping it in his enderchest ever since.

The music disc span inserted itself into the jukebox, the dramatic tunes playing out soon after. Tubbo took another glance at his friend, he could clearly imagine his energetic friend bouncing around the Prime Path as he explained his next big plan for the day. He really fucking missed him. "Goodnight, Tommy. Sleep well, I'll see you tommorow." He wiped away the last few tears before turning away and back through the deep purple portal.

[Yes I'm aware this is shorter and worsethan usual, I am so fuckin dizzy rn, lol but it is alright because Technoblade plot streams :)]

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