🌸Sleepy Bois🌸 - Trick or Treat!

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The blonde boy hurriedly tied the buttons on his suit, looking up at the clock in his room every few seconds. It read 5:59PM. Shit. He had less than a minute to get everything ready and get over to his friend's house. Adjusting the headband that was ruffled between his curly blonde hair, he grabbed some plastic halloween bag and dashed out of his house. "Bye mum. See you in a few hours!" Was all the british boy said as he waved goodbye to his parents and ran out of his door, sprinting down the street like his life depended on it. 6:01PM. The silhouette of another young boy was barely visible under the lampost, the boy scrolling through his phone in the dead of night. "Tubbo!" The blonde boy waved as he continued to run up to his friend, even though he was extremely fatigued from all the running. "Happy Halloween, Tommy!" Tubbo waved enthusiastically and put his phone in his pocket. By now, Tommy had caught and the two boys were stood under the small light source.

Tonight was Halloween, the one night a year where people could dress up and rob adults of their confectionery. The second best holiday, right after Christmas. Tubbo had chosen to dress up as a bee, with long light blue dungarees over a yellow and black tshirt, bee slippers that are probably for primary school kids, little bee wings that were held together by some string and finally some makeshift antennas made out of wire; His entire outfit was littered with small little embroidered bees and flowers, giving the costume some more flair. Tommy on the other hand had a very different costume. He was wearing a basic businuess suit, almost identical to his minecraft skin counterpart, he even had the suprisingly vibrant red tie. On the sides of his now scruffy hair was a pair of caramel ram horns, held up by a black headband. The outfit was finished off with a yellow coin pin stuck into his suit jacket.

"Are you dressed up as... Jschlatt?" Tubbo asked, examing his friends outfit. "Yes Tubbo, he may be my current mortal enemy in Manburg, but that doesn't mean I can't steal his brand." Tommy boasted, speaking in his confident tone like always. Tubbo only just snickered at this and mumbled under his breath, "Okay Schlatt stan." Tommy luckily didn't hear this and instead bounced another question at Tubbo, "Do you know when the others are coming?" Tubbo took out his phone, presumably to scroll through their messages, "Uh... Any minute now, really."

"You called." The monotone voice of Technoblade boomed behind the two of them, startling the two boys slightly. Techno wore a fancy white dress shirt with the collar undone, tucked into some red/black dress pants. A black overcoat drapped over his frame, the collar spiked up to reveal the red velvet innercoat. A singular red rose was pinned to his coat, held to him by a gold chain drapped across his chest. His long bubblegum pink hair was taken over to the right, taken out of it's regular braid and instead in a loose ponytail. His fringe was also drapped over to the side, allowing his golden crown to rest peacefully on his head. His outfit was topped off by some fake fangs poking out of his mouth. "Oh! Hello Technoblade, are you dressed up as a vampire? Vampblade? Technopire?" Tubbo turned to face the tall man, placing a finger on his cheek as he thought for a moment. "Vampblade... I like that." Techno took out his pink phone from coat and opened Twitter, changing his name from Technoblade 🐷 to Vampblade 🦇.

After a few minutes of small talk, two more figures approched the boys. Philza Minecraft and Wilbur Soot. Philza was wearing some knockoff mario costume, he even glued on a fabric moustache. Wilbur on the other hand wore a black overcoat similar to Techno, some tight black jeans, black boots with spikes, a light grey sweater and his signature black beanie covering his chocolate brown hair. Peaking out of his coat pockets where some fake TNT and a fake gun. Tubbo was the first to notice and wave to them, Techno and Tommy soon seeing them to and waving back. "Okay okay, Philiza is... Druggie mario.. But what are you, Wilbur? This looks like some regular outfit for you." Tommy said, looking over Wilbur with his icy blue eyes. "What? No, I'm JD, from Heathers... Yknow, boom boom boom bang school is gone rawrrrrrr." Wilbur said, taking out the prop gun and TNT and flinging them around. "Oh."


Despite the fact that three out of the five men were adults, they still went around to the houses and stole peoples sweets. It was a bit intimidating to get approached by a pack of 5"5 - 6"5 people, especially with Wilbur and Technoblade. Tubbo and Tommy had set up a competition, Tommy teamed with Wilbur would try to collect as much candy as possible while Tubbo teamed with Technoblade would also try to collect as much candy. Philza would be the judge, and he decides how much each sweet counts as. Wilbur and Tommy's strategy was... interesting to say the least. They had split up and would cover a street at a time; Wilbur didn't have his own bag so it would be hard for him to carry a lot of sweets at once. Techno and Tubbo however had completely split up, Tubbo keeping his plastic bucket and Techno shoving the sweets into his oversized coat pockets.

After the selected 15 minutes, all four of them arrived, handing their sweets to Philza to count. In the end, Techno and Tubbo had collected more sweets,  by Tommy and Wilbur had scored more higher-pointing sweets, mostly all the chocolate ones. "How did you get so many sweets, Techno?" Wilbur asked him, taking a chocolate eclair from Tommy's bag and unwrapping it. "I just acted nice to all the senior people. I got forced to join their knitting club but I got my sweets so who cares." Was all the monotone man said, taking one of his own sweets and eating it. Philza had decided the next activity; nerf gun but with sweets. Philza had somehow fit 5 nerf guns into his backpack. Using a nearby field, the Sleepy Bois got in a 1v1v1v1v1 with each other, screaming and shooting candy at each other. Tubbo ended up being victorius, turns out Technoblade, despite being one of the best pvp players in Minecraft, is pretty shit in real life.

They all ended their night by heading to Wilbur's apartment and just... hanging out. Wilbur tried to force all of them to use his ouija board, but no one was really eager to get possessed and shit so they end up playing Monopoly. Technoblade obviously won, he bribed off Tubbo and Philza and used his "swag youtuber skills" to out-business Tommy and Wilbur. After a few hours of fucking around, the four of them had left Wilbur to head back home to their own homes. Tommy and Tubbo walked home together since they lived relatively close together. "That was suprisingly fun, even though we wasted most of our sweets on a nerf gun fight." Tubbo said, looking through his plastic orange bucket with childhood excitement. "Yeah it was. I was suprised Techno was so shit at actual pvp." The two boys burst into laughter at this, taking turns to jokingly trash talk their piggy friend.

Safe to say, halloween was very PogChamp.

Yeah I don't know how to end this, but it's like 11:40PM and I want to get this out before the end of Halloween. I might try to make a special Gogy oneshot tommorow, so  if you have any ideas let me know or else it's gonna suck haha. Anyway, happy halloween! I didn't get to do anything due to lockdown restrictions but I watched litreally everyone's halloween stream :]

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