🌸Fundy🌸 - Stalkerish Tendencies

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Fundy liked Y/N, this was no secret. Wilbur had listened in on his almost daily rants about her, chuckling as his son experienced young love just like he did. Tommy continued to tease him every time the two came in contact. Tubbo and Niki would always try to bring the two together in some way. Despite this secret of his being out and open, Y/N still hadn't noticed. Or maybe she did and she just never reciprocated said feelings. Fundy wishes she's just oblivious.

He hopes and dreams of a day where the two can run away from their problems and build a little cabin in the woods. Only them two, Fundy being able to hold her every single hour of the day and call her his own. That's all he ever wanted.

But he could never get that. Why? Fundy was born and raised in the soon to be independent nation of L'manburg, he was the son of the President and felt some weird sort of loyalty to the country and his friends. Y/N on the other hand was Sapnap's younger sibling and friend to Dream and George since she was born, so of course she was fighting on their side. The four of them were all very close. This really annoyed Fundy.

Because of their conflicting ideals, the two had barely interacted. Well atleast to Y/N's knowledge. Almost every night he would sneak out and head to a remote area behind some hills, where Y/N would go out and do whatever she pleaded. Sometime she would just lay there and sleep, sometime she'd duel against Sapnap or George or Dream, sometimes she would bring something of entertainment and sit there like a pretty angel under the moonlight. The more Fundy watched her the more infatuated he became with her. She was just too perfect, and he needed to be with her.

One time Tommy had caught him ""stalking"" her. He tried to warn him about what he was doing, apparently this could freak her out and they would ruin his chances. Tommy said he was only looking out for Fundy but the fox boy knew he was lying. Tommy's an idiot, he doesn't know any better. Fundy wasn't stalking his lover, he was simply trying to learn more about her.

It's not his fault that Wilbur decided to bring him into a world where he couldn't be with his precious Y/N. The universe seemed determined to tear us apart, but the orange boy wouldn't give up. He wasn't lying when he said he would do anything for her. He would betray L'manburg at the drop of a coin if he meant he could live out with fantasies. Sure Wilbur may feel a bit betrayed at first, but as his Father he should support his decisions right? Yeah, Wilbur's a great guy.


Fundy was done with waiting. He had been observing for too long, he needed to make a move. "Wilbur?" Fundy approached his dad, the President, as he rolled his eyes at Tommy and Tubbo's antics. "What's up?" Wilbur asked, smiling softly at his son. "Can I go out and visit Y/N? I want to try to get closer to her." Fundy asked, his head and ears dropping down as he secretly scanned his dad for some sort of a social cue. "As long as you steer clear of George and his lackey and come back by sunset, I have nothing against it. Y/N's a smart kid, you should try to convince her to join us. You'd be suprised how much our ideals line up." Wilbur patted his fox son on the head, immediately getting engulfed in a hug from the younger. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He screeched into his dark blue coat before letting go and running off to find his lover.

Tommy and Tubbo had witnessed the entire conversation. As soon as Tommy witnessed Fundy's somewhat disturbing behaviour, Tommy had told Tubbo and the two had kept a close eye on him. The two were slightly worried but just disregared most of it for some stupid childhood crush like everyone did at that age. That was their first mistake.

Y/N was in her regular spot, the hill behind what seemed to be a big castle Dream was in the middle of building. This time she had brought along her axe, shield and armour. Fundy made his way up to the little perch he always sat at. He met a baby fox at this exact area while observing Y/N, he had decided that this was fate for their relationship. He watched over her, hazel eyes examining every little part of her as she strolled around in boredom. I wonder what's she's doing here so early.

From the distance approached another person. George was suddenly found. GeorgeNotFound and his stupid british accent. George and his stupid blue shirt and white goggles. Stupid. Fucking. George. He always seemed to get in the way of him and Y/N. And he despised that. "Morning, Gogs!" Y/N waved enthustically, a bright smile on her face as she waited patiently for the other boy to catch up. Fundy hated the fact that he wasn't the one plastering that addictive smile on her face.

"This crossbow is soo heavy! Why'd you need it anyway?" George asked, dropping the large crossbow into Y/N's hands. "You'll see, you'll see." She smirked as she attached the crossbow to a sling on her back and started to walk in the direction of a nearby birch forest. "We're going flower picking, I hope you brought your good shovel. Last one there has to carry all the baskets back!" And with that the two began to race away. They were too caught up with their own childish games that they didn't even notice Fundy trailing close behind.

After a long day of trailing and flower picking, Y/N and George had brought themself to a small little lake. They were too close to comfort. Fundy fucking hated watching this. He felt sick to his stomach, he could feel himself getting closer to throwing up every minute. He sat up in a birch tree, distracting himself from the daggers in his heart by picking at the loose threads on his jacket. He ripped off an embroidered blue stripe, it reminded to much of him.

He needed to get George out of the picture. But how? He can't just ask him to leave. Maybe through force? That could work. But what type of force? Straight up homicide would be too risky. Maybe.. poision? No no, poison is too hard to find naturally. He needs a solution and he needs it faster.

"Oh Y/N, you idiot. This contains gluten."
"Damn. Left handed, British, colourblind AND allergic to gluten. Pick a struggle, Gogster."
Well that was convinent.

Fun fact of the day: Most alcoholic products are normally gluten-free. All you need to do is add some malt or barley as one of the flavour additives and the drink is no longer gluten-free. Another fun fact: Malt or barley doesn't change the flavour at all, so it's basically impossible to tell.

That must suck for allergic people, huh?

George, Dream and Sapnap all go out drinking Saturday night together. This week it's Sapnap's turn and he normally just grabs whatever is lying around the house.

Do I really need to explain any more? I think you all are smart enough to see where I'm going with this.

GeorgeNotFound was killed by magic

It had now been a week since George's unfortunate and sudden death. No one has seen George and Sapnap for days, Y/N had been comforted by Fundy for the past few days, even L'manburg had taken an indefinite hiatus on the war to grieve his death. Y/N was crushed. Everytime Fundy saw her she seemed to be crying more and more. Luckily for her, Fundy had seemingly came out of nowhere and comforted her since Dream and Sapnap were locked up in their own houses.

"It's alright, Y/N. George would want you to move on and continue on with your life wouldn't he?" Fundy cooed, craddling his depressed lover in his arms as she sobbed into his jacket. He was still annoyed at the fact that she was this upset over some British dude. But he's supposes this is par for the course. She'll learn. She'll learn to love him. Maybe she already is. "I'm here for you alright? I'll make sure you're safe. No one else will be able to hurt you when I'm around, alright lieve?" Y/N looked up at this, her eyes displayed skepticism but she had a soft smile on her face. "Thank you, Fundy. You're a really great guy, I'm surprised we haven't talked before." She cuddled back into him, moving one of her hands to pet his fluffy ears.

"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too."


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