chapter four: ignorance

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    "Your so ignorant potter!"

     "Well maybe if you hadn't called her a mud blood, maybe I wouldn't have hit you." The green eyed boy said calmly.

      "Why can't you see that mud bloods are filthy! They are less than pure bloods."

      "Then maybe if you didn't care so much about social status, maybe I wouldn't have hit you." Raven concluded, closing his book to look at the platinum blonde whom he shared a dorm with.
The two boys had been bickering with eachother since the begining of the year. The bickering even worsened when Raven became more social than he was before, and began pranking Draco, and pulling jokes on his classmates.

    "Maybe I'd get along with those three, if your idiot brother had accepted my offer of friendship at the beginning of the year." Draco fought back.

    "Don't call my brother an idiot." Raven  said, rolling his eyes.

    The two boys sat in silence for a few moments, before Raven got up.

    "I'm going to Hagrid's." He announced.

    "It's the middle of the night!" Draco scolded him.

    "And you think that I care Malfoy?" Raven retorted, picking up a few books from next to his trunk.

    "Fine have it your way Potter, but don't blame me if you get in trouble." Draco sighed.

    As soon as Raven left the dorm, Draco quietly opened the door, watching the other boy leave the common room. He quickly and quietly followed him out.

"Hiya Hagrid." Raven greeted the half giant.

"Ah good I thought you were someone else." Hagrid sighed.

Suddenly the boys twin brother and his two friends appeared from underneath a cloak.

"Harry?" He questioned.

"Raven, sorry I forgot to mention that I was given this cloak for Christmas. It can make you invisible." Harry explained.

"Hm." Raven hummed, his expression remaining the same.

"So why are you three here?" He asked.

"Well...that package Hagrid brought here, we figured out that is was the sorcerers stone, and we think that Snape is trying to steal it." Harry explained. Raven's facial expression changed slightly.

"What makes you think it's Snape?" Raven asked defensively, surprising his brother.

"Well first when he messed with my broom at the quidditch game, then his leg, we saw he got bitten by fluffy and-"

"Who's fluffy?" Raven interrupted.

"Long story." Ron said.

"Still, it doesn't make sense to me. Sure Snape doesn't really like a lot of people, and can be strict in classes, doesn't mean he's evil." Raven stated.

"Why are you defending him?" Harry asked his twin, confused. However, just as Raven was about to respond Hagrid spoke.

"Who's that?" He asked pointing at the window. The four students looked to where the half giant had pointed, and saw none other than Malfoy.

"That bloody fu- ow!" Raven began only to have Hermione hit his arm lightly.

"Language!" She scolded the Slytherin boy, who rolled his eyes.

Despite being in Slytherin, Raven was pretty close with his brothers friends as well. He just didn't see them as often as he liked. He did have friends in Slytherin though. Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and I guess if he would consider Malfoy his friend.

The four kids said their goodbyes to Hagrid, and tried to catch up with the boy who was going to get them in trouble. However when they arrived back inside the Hogwarts castle, they were greeted by Mcgonagall and Draco.

"All 5 of you will receive detention, and lose 50 points from your houses...each." Mcgonagall scolded them. Draco raised an eyebrow and stepped forward a bit.

"Did you say...the five of us?" He inquired.

"Yes indeed. Although your actions were noble, you were still out of bed after hours as well." She said, causing Malfoy's jaw to fall open.

The detention they received was, in Hermione's words, 'barbaric.' They were to find what had killed the unicorn in the dark forest.

"Alright, Ron and Hermione you'll come with me. Draco, Raven and Harry you'll go together." Hagrid explained.

"Then we get Fang." Draco bartered.

"Alright, but he's a bloody wuss." Hagrid said honestly.

As the three boys and the dog parted ways from the others, an eery feeling crept over them. The forest getting darker and darker as they walked through it.

"Did you hear that?" Raven asked quietly, causing Draco's skin to crawl.

Suddenly the noise grew loud, it sounded like a sucking noise or drinking water. Or in this case...

"Unicorn blood..." Raven shook.

Draco screamed at the sight and ran behind his Black haired Slytherin friend, leaving Harry standing at the front of watching the horrible sight. The dark hooded creature was drinking the blood straight from the dead unicorn.

"Bloody hell." Harry said, frantically stepping backwards to join his twin, and the cowering Malfoy behind him, gripping the big black dog.

Although Raven knew this year would be eventful, he never would've guessed that a Centaur would save their lives. And that he would also give good advice.

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