chapter thirty eight: game of grief

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"I just barely got my egg and made it out alive, and got my arm scorched pretty bad." Raven retorted as Pansy and Blaise congratulated him.

      "Nonsense, you showed that dragon who's boss." Blaise pumped a fist in t air.

      "I second that." Pansy said flicking the scar headed boy in the good arm.

       "Thanking Salazar that wasn't the burned arm.." Raven muttered.
Blaise said his goodbyes to the other two slytherins, before exiting the hospital wing.

      "Draco's still worried about you.." Pansy said, sitting in the chair next to Raven's hospital bed.

    Raven's face went more solemn than it was before Blaise left the room. Pansy knew Raven hated being a part of the triwizard tournament. He hated what it was doing to his boyfriend.
The blonde was constantly worried about him and almost didn't come see his fight with the dragon. It was hard for the Malfoy boy to handle. He hated seeing Raven get hurt.

      "I hate this. I wish I could just quit."  Raven scoffed. He hated the rules, and hated the game. He didn't see a point other than a draw for power, which he thought he'd get his own way, not through some tournament designed to kill the weak.

     "I know but you can't change the just have to stay strong, and so does Draco. I know you two will get through this." Pansy said.

    "Pansy he doesn't say much to me nowadays... he's so quiet, like he's grieving my death before it's come or something...does he not believe in me?" Raven asked. Though he regretted asking a question that he knows is just an insecurity of his own.

    "Of course he believes in you, he doesn't think your going to die... he's just afraid you won't be the same I guess...but I don't know what he's feeling right now, and the only way you'll know is if you talk to him." Pansy advised.

     "Sometimes it's scary how often you're right Pansy."

ghosts ~ raven potter x draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now