chapter seventeen: ridikulus

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Raven had just been admitted from the hospital wing, entering Professor Lupin's class with his left arm around his right. Harry and his friends had asked him a million questions, like how he had got the cuts, did he actually pass out, was he ok. The person who found Raven when he passed out was Draco. Who had been worried sick about Raven, had stayed with him the most in the hospital wing for a few days. This made the taller Potter twin question wether Malfoy felt the same way about him as he did, or if this is just how best friends were.

     As for Malfoy, sitting next to Raven Potter's hospital bed almost everyday and waiting for him to get better. He finally realized his feelings for Raven, as his friend lie asleep for days.

"Sorry I'm late to class professor." Raven said, joining his fellow classmates infront of Lupin and a large wardrobe in the middle of the room.

"Quite alright Mr.Potter, arm healing up?" He asked.

"Yep." Raven nodded, rubbing his right arm.

"Alright then, lets get started with today's lesson. Your going to turn your worst fear, into something...funny!" Lupin instructed the class.

"Ron! You first!" He said.

Ron walked up to the wardrobe as something pounded on the inside. When it opened up, there was a giant spider, crawling towards Ron.

He pointed his wand and hesitantly said the word, "Ridikulus!"

The spider who was once menacing, now wore roller skates. Causing him to flail about.

The students formed a line in front of the wardrobe and their teacher, and went one by one conquering their fears.
Now it's Harry's turn.

The once clown looking thing, turned into a dementor right in front of them. It glides towards Harry, causing Raven to shift his feet uncomfortably. 'It's not actually coming after him.' Raven reminded himself, as he lowered his wand that was gripped tightly in his hand.

Professor Lupin had to step in, putting the creature back inside the wardrobe.

"Next." Lupin said quickly, ushering Harry out of the way.

Raven stepped up towards the front, nervously. When the wardrobe opened however, nothing came out. Raven raised an eyebrow, looking at his teacher. His teacher looked just as confused as he was.

'I have to be afraid of something right?' Raven thought, scratching the back of his neck. He turned back towards the open doors, only to react with pure shock at what stepped out.
He heard whispers around the room, and Lupin's face contorted in confusion.

Raven looked up and saw,


Standing right before him was himself. It looked just like him, only slightly paler, and had a smirk on his face. He walked closer to Raven...Or...himself, and stopped. He looked himself up and down, Raven looked at a twin that wasn't Harry, with complete confusion. He wasn't scared of himself?! Was he?

Raven visibly gulped, raiding his wand.

"Ridikulus." He said quietly.

The self in front of him, then turned into a puddle. A puddle that resembled one that Raven remember jumping into with Harry, after running from Dudley and his gang when they were about 8 years old. Somehow, this good memory wasn't enough to make Raven stop feeling so uncomfortable.

'Myself? For real?' He thought, mentally cursing himself as well.

"Alright everyone, class is over. You may go now." Lupin said locking the boggart back in the wardrobe.
Raven began to pick up his stuff and head for the door before he felt a hand on his almost fully healed shoulder.

"Not you, stay after class with me will you?" Lupin asked him. Raven hummed a yes in response.

    Lupin lead the Raven head outside to a bridge part of the castle, where he stopped and stared off at the rest of the school.

    "You knew my father didn't you?" Raven asked suddenly, causing the older male to turn and look at him. The black haired boy had his arms crossed and leaned on the opposite side of the bridge with his front side facing Lupin.

    "Well, yes I did." Lupin answered, uncomfortably shifting to face the 13 year old boy who was probably wise beyond his years.

     "Then that means you knew Sirius Black too." Raven put simply, pinching the bridge of his nose in thought. "I figured it out, my middle name is Sirius so that must be because my parents knew him."

     Lupin didn't answer, he was best friends with Sirius, James, and Peter, but how would he tell the boy standing in front of him that his defense against the dark art professor, himself, was his god father. Sirius, was Harry's but of course he couldn't let him know that bit yet. Lupin continued in thought. He couldn't simply say to Raven, 'Hey I'm your god father, sorry for not being there for the past 13 years of your life.'

     Raven seemed to notice the professor's uncomfortableness.

    "I can leave if you'd like." The green eyed boy said, raising a brow.

    "No no, I'm sorry." Lupin apologized, thinking of what to say.

    "Why is it that it wasn't you know who, that appeared from that chest eh?" He asked Raven. Lupin had expected that either Raven or Harry's boggart would surely take place as Voldemort. He wasn't expecting a dementor, or another Raven.

     "I'm not afraid of Tom Riddle Professor." Raven said, a smile playing at his lips. Like he was proud to not fear the dark lord. He sure was a slytherin if Lupin had ever met one. He had qualities of his father that put him in slytherin. The only reason James wasn't a Slytherin is because he wasn't cunning or in search of greatness and cared more about his friends than himself. But Raven was even more so cunning and ambitious, and independent and determined. Yet he had his mother's gentle and kind eyes.

    "Then what is it you fear about yourself?" Lupin asked him.

    "I guess, my just sort of depends...sometimes I'm afraid of what my own hands could do." Raven said, his hair now covered his eyes, and the lightning bolt scar on his forehead that matched his brothers. Lupin looked at him regretting all the time he hadn't spent with his godson. It's not that he didn't want to, he just couldn't. After James, Lily, and Peter died, and Sirius was sent to Azkaban, Lupin felt as if he had nothing left. On the other hand, Harry and Raven were given to the Dursley's. He couldn't have gone to visit Raven, or Harry. The not so magical muggles would never have allowed him to.

    "Instead of being afraid of what you can do, you should learn what it is you are capable how's that arm of yours?" The professor asked, attempting to change the subject.

    "Alright..." Raven mumbled. Everyone was under the impression that he had tried to climb a tree, but had fallen and hurt himself and refused to see Madam Pompfrey and so it got bad enough until he passed out. Raven wanted to keep it that way. He hadn't told anyone the truth, not even his brother Harry or Best friend Malfoy.

    "You should probably get going, you don't want Snape to have your head for being tardy do you?" Lupin laughed.

    Raven cracked a small smile.

   "Yeah, he'd kill me before I could even have last words." The Potter said lightly, and scurried off.

    Lupin sighed in relief. He would tell Raven eventually, and Harry too. But now wasn't the right time.



ghosts ~ raven potter x draco malfoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum