chapter twenty: problems solved

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"You did WHAT?!" Pansy yelled, as Raven put his head in his hands.

"I kissed him." Raven put simply.

"And????" She waited.

"And then I pushed him and ran off."

"WHY!?" Pansy yelled.

"I'm not sure!?" Raven yelled back.

The two shared a moment of silence on the dark colored leather couch.

"Well that's good right? Now he knows how you feel." Pansy said, trying to look on the bright side.

"I know he likes guys Pansy, but what if I just ruined our friendship?" Raven asked nervously.

"You didn't. Even if he doesn't like you that way, your still his best friend. You two will get through it." The Slytherin girl said, standing up.

"I'm going to go up to the dorm to work on homework with Bullstrode, I'll see you later Potter." She finished, giving a small smile to the boy sulking on the couch, attempting to lift his spirits.

"Hm." Raven hummed to himself, until he heard the common room open. He caught a glimpse of who came in, just a head of platinum blonde hair. He immediately looked away, pulling his book up to his face and leaning back to act like he was reading the whole time.

He heard Malfoy sigh as he walked past, but Raven couldn't see his face. A sad expression written on it.

• • •

(Two week time skip)

Draco and Raven hadn't spoken in a couple weeks, they'd constantly avoided each other but on the inside, both of them desperately wanted to talk to the other.

Raven sat in his bed, lined with green and silver coloring and stared at the book in front of him. He wasn't reading it, which was unlike him. If looks could kill, the book would most definitely be dead by now. Raven just stared at the words on the page, in attempts to escape his worldly problems but nothing seemed to distract him from his situation.

The dorm room door opened, and Raven knew what that meant. Draco had just come into the room. Sometimes, Raven wished he didn't share a dorm with his crush. It was sometimes unbearable to sleep in the same room, but since they were best friends it was also one of the best decisions he made this year.

Draco cleared his throat, and Raven heard him sit down on his bed.

"I'm reading..." Raven mumbled quietly.

"Please Raven. We need to talk." The blonde insisted.

Raven lifted his head up, closing his book gently, instead of slamming it like usual. He moved his legs over the side of his bed to turn his body towards his Best friend's bed. He then looked at Draco, who's expression was solemn, and his hair wasn't slicked back, it was messy, and greasy, as he hadn't showered yet.

"Raven...I thought about it." Was all he said, causing Raven to grit his teeth slightly, but kept his mouth closed.

"I mean...that problem you gave me." He clarified, causing both his and Raven's faces to turn red.

"and...?" Raven said, just above a whisper.

"I still don't know..." The Malfoy said, getting up and walking towards Raven, who's mind raced. Did Draco not know if he liked him? Or if he hated him? Did he ruin thier friendship?

Sitting next to the Black haired boy, Draco set his hands in his lap.

"You're...brilliant...and I- you're kind of pretty." The blonde stuttered, causing Raven to raise an eyebrow and smile a bit.

"Pretty?" He asked questioningly, laughing a bit.

"Well- uh..." Draco scratched the back of his neck.

"You're my best friend...and you're really well, you...and I did realize my feelings for you...I just didn't know how to tell you, and when you kissed me...everything just sort of fell apart for me...I didn't know if you meant it and-"

Raven put a finger to Draco's lips, shushing him.

"I Did mean it." He said, making it clear to Draco how he felt. Both males faces were tinted red as they awkwardly looked at eachother, grey eyes met with green ones.

"You...did?" Malfoy asked, his voice a bit muffled by Raven's finger, which he then removed from the blonde's mouth.

"I did." Raven said, his eyes wide.

The two boys inched closer.

"Raven...I kind of liked it...the kiss I mean..." Draco admitted, his eyes just as wide.

The two then connected lips, it wasn't rough or angry like before, but it was short and sweet.

"Raven I-"

Raven threw his arms around his best friend, embracing him tightly. Draco's face flushed, and he hesitantly returned the embrace.

"Will you be my boyfriend Malfoy?" Raven muttered sleepily into the other boy's ear. Raven's voice sent a chill down Draco's spine.


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