chapter nineteen: fight

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   Raven made his way up the corridor, with a small box in his hand. He knocked on the door of the hospital wing, and almost immediately the door was opened.

    "Raven!" Madam Pompfrey greeted.

    "Hello Ma'am, I'm here to see Harry." He said. The older woman let him inside, and gestured over to a hospital bed near the window. Harry had looked like he just woke up.

   "Eh, you look like shit bro." Raven said, once he was sure Madam Pompfrey had left them alone.

   Harry laughed.

   "Thanks Raven." He said sarcastically.

    "Anyways, I brought you something." Raven said pulling out the box he'd brought with.

    "What is it?" Harry asked, taking the box from his brother's hand.

    "Well, open it dingus." Raven teased.

    Harry did so, pulling out a small keychain of a hippogriff.

    "Wow Raven, this is brilliant! Thanks. Where did you get it?" Harry asked.

   "I made it, with transfiguration...took me a while, but I was able to mold it to look like buck beak." Raven smiled.

    "Your brilliant, you know that?" Harry asked.

   "Meh, I guess you could say that." Raven smirked. Harry just laughed at his brother's 'modest' behavior.

    "Well, I better get to studying. You better rest up before the next quidditch game. Next time, don't get hurt alright?" Raven said standing up from the chair he had sat in.

    Harry nodded, as his brother turned around to leave.

    "Wait, Raven...Are you....happy?" Harry asked.

     Raven stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth slightly open. He wasn't expecting the question, and it caught him off guard. For a moment he stayed silent, until he finally turned his head to look at his twin. He forced a small smile.

   "Of course I am. I have a great brother like you after all."

   •   •   •

"MALFOY YOU BLOODY GIT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Raven practically screamed at the blonde, as he slammed the door to their dorm.

"CALM DOWN RAVEN!" Draco fought back, sitting on his bed.


"Look I'm sorry you've got problems mate, but please calm down, it's not like they actually know." Draco said, his voice much quieter.

Raven slammed his hand down on the desk across from his bed. "So you mean to tell me you have no problems Malfoy?" Raven asked sarcastically.

"Of course you don't. Your a pureblood rich boy who always listens to his dad, and has always had his life handed to him on a silver platter. You've never actually cared about your future, because you've never had to be concerned about it. You always talk about how tough it is to deal with your parents, and how strict they are but at LEAST YOUR PARENTS ARE STILL ALIVE!!" He ranted. Malfoy sat in shock as his best friend finally sat down. He sighed deeply and sharply. Had Raven always felt that way? Had he just always seen Draco as a rich prat?

"Listen..." Raven avoided eye contact with the platinum blonde, trying to get at least a few more words out.

Malfoy has stood up from his position on the bed, out of shock from hearing Raven's loud voice.

Raven now stood just a few feet in front of him.

"Listen." Raven repeated, the grey eyed boy's eyes didn't leave Raven's green ones, Raven walked even closer.

"It isn't fair that we've all got problems and you don't." The taller Potter twin said. Draco gulped visibly, he didn't like the direction this was heading in.

"So here's a problem for you."


Raven's rough lips met with the blonde's soft ones, and Raven had gripped Draco's tie in his hand, which began is what he used to pull the two of them together.

Before Draco could even react to the kiss, Raven quickly and angrily shoved him off, causing him to fumble backwards. Landing on his arse.

Raven quickly darted out of the room, realizing what he had done and knowing who he had to talk to.

He thought back to before his argument with Draco. Malfoy has pissed the other male off by teasing him in class about liking guys. Raven was tempted to out his best friend right then and there. But he didn't. Though Draco had teased him, no one actually believed he was gay (or bi in his case.)
So he stayed quiet about Draco's not so straight sexuality, but was still upset with Draco for bringing it up in front of other students. Let alone in class.

"Raven? You alright? What can we do you for?" Fred asked the Potter as he stopped in front of them, sitting across from them on the ground.

"No not really I sort of just kissed someone." Raven said quickly.

"Bloody hell!" George cried.

"Who?" Fred asked.

"Doesn't matter, the point is....they were a best friend, and we got into a fight, and I wanted to give them a problem so know."

Fred looked at him with shock, while George seemed to be deep in thought.

"Well, do you have feeling for this person?" George asked.

"Uhm...well...I-I mean uh...yes."

"Then go for it mate." Fred said encouragingly.

"What if they don't feel the same." He brought up.

"At least you'll know." Fred and George both said at the same time.

"Thanks you guys." Raven said, standing up quickly and running back towards the slytherin common room to talk to Pansy.

He had to talk to her about this before he talked to Draco again.

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