chapter forty two - the graveyard

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Raven felt there was something about this task that was different from the others, something dark, something evil. Raven heard a stick crack, and turned around, only to see nothing.

'It's all in your head Raven.' he thought to himself.

The maze's twists and turns made Raven's stomach sick. So far he hadn't encountered any of the others, and the breeze sent a chill down his spine. He shivered, and his teeth chattered. His breathing quickened, but he was careful not to show fear. He felt as if the maze were alive. Breathing, and watching his every move. It scared him.

He heard footsteps coming from ahead, and he hid himself in the bushes. He concealed himself within the vines and waited patiently, covering his mouth.

A few minutes went by, and...nothing.

Raven came out from hiding and continued down the path. His heart was pounding and he felt lightheaded, like he was going to pass out.

'Not now Raven...'

His vision blurred, and he began to fall over.

He blacked out.

• • •

"Raven...Raven! Wake up!" A familiar voice called to him. He opened his eyes slowly, to see it was his brother, with Cedric standing behind him. Though they weren't in the maze anymore, it appeared to be a graveyard. The pure vibe of the place made Raven's skin crawl. The darkness, the evil aura.

"Harry? Cedric? What happened?"

"I dunno, we grabbed the cup and it turned out to be a portkey that took us here, that's when we found you passed out over here." Harry explained.

Harry and Raven both clutched their heads and sucked their teeth.

"Ahh my scar!" Harry said.

"Me too.." Raven mumbled.

"What's going on guys.." Cedric asked.

"Kill the spare!" Came a voice out of nowhere.

"AVADAKADAVRA!" shouted Pettigrew, aiming his wand at Cedric, before any of them could react.

"NOO!!!" Raven screamed, catching Cedric as he fell.

Raven felt his stomach sink, and got a feeling like he was being stabbed in the heart.

Cedric had saved his life, he was such a kind boy, he deserved a much longer life.

"CEDRIC!!" Harry yelled, joining his brother and his now dead friend. He placed a finger under Cedric's nose. He didn't feel anything.

"He's not breathing..." Harry whispered to his twin, on the verge of tears.

Raven was fuming, he set Cedric gently down on the ground and stood up to face Peter and what was Voldemort at his weakest. His hands balled into fists and he gripped his wand tightly.

"How could you.." his voice dripped with venom.

"Raven and Harry Potter.." Pettigrew said pointing his wand at them. Vines wrapped around Raven's arms and pulled him to the ground, while the bones of Tom Riddle's father, pulled Harry back.

Peter dropped a small creature who was Voldemort into a boiling cauldron, and made his way towards Harry. He began performing the ressurection of the dark lord.

"You bastard. You sick son of a bitch!!" Raven yelled, his voice cracking with anger.

Pettigrew cut Harry's arm and dripped the blood from the knife into the cauldron.

"Blood of the enemy.."

Raven and Harry both struggled.

As Tom Riddle was being ressurected, Raven was loosening the grip of the vines around him.

"Your other arm, wormtail." Said Voldemort.

Voldemort was calling upon his followers through Peter's dark mark.

They appeared as soon as they were called, one by one, Voldemort ripped off their masks, revealing who they were. He expressed his disappointment in each of them. 

Raven saw that Luscious Malfoy was one of them. However he didn't pay any attention to it. He was focused on Pettigrew. He struggled and finally wriggled his way out of the vines, and stood up slowly, anger coarsing through his veins. It was a feeling he'd never felt before, pure hatred, and longing to make Pettigrew pay for his mistakes. Raven's stomach clenched, and his teeth gritted against eachother.

He seethed, exhaling loudly, and raised his wand at Peter Pettigrew.


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