chapter forty one - the black lake

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            Raven would so much rather be out looking for Salazar's weapon than he would preparing for the second task. Whoever had bloody put his and Harry's names in the goblet of fire, Raven swore he'd have their head on a platter. He hadn't had time to solve Slytherin's riddles because of the stinking Triwizard tournament. 

"Raven, are you paying attention?" Harry asked, as Raven shifted his feet.

"Yeah, sort of." He replied.

"We can both use gilly weed." Harry finished, handing Raven a small container of the odd plant.

"Thanks." Raven mumbled, accepting the offer. "Oh and Harry.."


"Are you still having that dream?"

"Yeah.. you?"

"Me too." Raven answered, pocketing the gilly weed.

"What do you think it means?" Harry asked.

Raven shrugged, and closed his eyes.

• • •

Raven breathed in the water, feeling it run through his temporary gills. The water was cold around him, and made him want to shiver. He swam on, ignoring the feeling and focused on finding whatever it was that he was supposed to find.

Mercreatures swam past him with trident looking things in their hands. Raven pushed his way through the seaweed, and eventually found others. He immediately noticed Draco, Hermione, Ron, and some others were tied to the seafloor. Raven looked around, and saw Harry, who was having a crisis on who he was going to save, then saw Cedric swimming towards Cho.

Raven swam towards his unconscious boyfriend and cut the seaweed that bound his leg. He grabbed his arm and began to swim towards Harry, who was being held with tridents to his neck.

"Only one!" The mercreature said. Harry had been trying to save Ron and Hermione.

Raven looked at his brother, and nodded. He then cast a spell cutting each of the seaweed that bound everyone, and then swam off with Draco.

As he arrived at the surface, he realized he was the second to get back. Cedric was the first. He congratulated Cedric, as Malfoy began to wake up.

"Hey, next time you tell me your going somewhere, maybe don't end up at the bottom of a lake." Raven said to the blonde.

Draco shook his head and chuckled.

Harry was the last to come up because he had saved Ron along with Fleur's sister.

They gave Harry second place and Raven third. Raven wasn't upset though, he thought Harry deserved it.

"Congratulations Raven!" Pansy said, hugging him, and attempting to dry his hair with a towel.

"Thanks Pansy." Raven smiled.

Raven was glad the second task was over, and all he really wanted to do right now was take a shower, and read.

Sorry for the short chapter, also I can't wait to get to the third task, I'm gonna have so much fun writing it and you might hate me after I do lol. Enjoy reading!!

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