chapter forty - the yule ball

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Quick A/N:

HHIII I haven't updated in a long time, sorry. We're finally on chapter 40 tho!!! Let's gooooo. Hope you guys are enjoying this story still.

Raven pulled his bow tie just a little bit tighter, finishing off his dress robes for the yule ball. Him and Draco both agreed they weren't ready to come out to the entire school yet, so they both decided to take different people to the dance, though they still wanted to dance together at some point.
Draco was taking Pansy, and Raven was taking his friend Luna from Ravenclaw. He didn't know her that well, but she'd been really nice to him in charms class so he decided to take her.

"Raven." Came a voice from behind him. He jumped slightly and spun around. His blonde boyfriend was standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Snakes Draco, you scared the bloody hell out of me."

"Sorry, you look nice."

Raven stared for a moment, looking Draco up and down. "You do as well, but that's nothing new."

Draco smiled, and tucked a hair behind Raven's ear.

The two of them headed down to the great hall together to find their dates.

"Hello Raven, you're looking quite nice." Said Luna, coming up from behind him.

"Thanks Luna, you as well." Raven replied.

"Looks like the champions are gathered over there with their dates, something about tradition." Draco said, tapping Raven's shoulder, and pointing over by the great hall doors.

Raven linked arms with Luna and headed over to where he saw his brother, Harry.

The procession began quicker than Raven had expected. The champions and their dates proceeded through the great hall as everyone else clapped for them. Raven knew without even looking in a mirror that he looked awkward. He glanced at his dancing partner, and she looked almost as awkward as well. They turned towards one another, linking their limbs together preparing for the music to start playing. 

Once it did, Raven began swaying along with Luna, just barely remembering what Mcgonagall had taught them. 

• • •

Mid way through the dance, Luna felt nauseous and Raven walked her to the hospital wing. After getting back to the dance, he saw Draco sitting at one of the tables while Blaise and Pansy ran off to get drinks.

"Hey, enjoying yourself?" Raven asked.

Draco leaned in towards Raven's ear and whispered, "I'd be enjoying myself more if I was your date." Raven nodded in understanding.

"Dance with me." Raven stated, extending his hand.

"I dunno Raven...I'm starting to think with all these people around? I dunno.." Draco said just above a whisper.

Raven's smirk faded into a frown, but he somewhat understood.

"I get it." He said solemnly.

"Raven I'm sorr-"

"It's fine, I said I get it." Raven cut him off mid apology, and began walking off.

Raven was just feeling down in the dumps and didn't necessarily mean to take it out on Draco, but that's just how it happened.

The Potter twin then made his way over towards his brother and Ron who were sitting at a table doing nothing.

Raven sat next to Harry and laid his head on his shoulder.

"Rough night?" Harry asked.

"Somewhat, you?"

"Yeah you could say that."

While talking to Harry, Raven was looking across the ballroom towards the door, when he saw Professor Moody heading out.

"I think I'm gonna turn in for the night." Raven said, patting his twin's shoulder, and getting up.

Raven followed the professor down the hall and up to his classroom, before Moody turned around and said, "What is it Potter?"

"I was wondering if I could speak with you." Raven said politely.

"Sure." Moody said, gulping whatever was in his flask.

"It's about the curses you performed in class the first week of school."

Moody's good eye turned towards Raven, showing he was giving his full attention.

"The killing curse, my brother and I both survived it." Raven pondered for a moment before continuing.

"How does one perform an unforgivable curse?"

The professor was quiet for a moment.

"Do you have an intention of performing one of these curses?" He asked.

Raven didn't answer. He was too busy thinking. Is it wrong to use these curses even if it's for the right reason? The answer was most likely yes, but what if the spells could be used as a last resort? Raven wasn't sure.

A spell is a spell right? It doesn't define a wizard or witches morality does it? It most likely does, Raven thought.

"I'd like to become better at crafting my own spells, and knowing the ins and outs of these may aid in the process." He finally said.

"Alright, if your sure then."

• • •

Raven decided to take a bath. He put his egg under the water and discovered the second task. He sat in the bubbles thinking. He was sad to say the least, but couldn't find one particular reason why. Myrtle hummed to herself blowing bubbles around the tub. Raven felt slightly uncomfortable that she was there, but her being a ghost made it bearable. He stayed in there for a while just pondering.

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