chapter eleven: the chamber

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" think it' the girls bathroom?" Raven asked his brother who had just finished telling him what Myrtle said.

"Yeah, I mean Myrtle said when she died she was in the bathroom, and she saw the eyes of the monster by the sink." His twin explained. Raven slowly nodded, trying to process.

"And you found that journal in the bathroom as well didn't you?" Raven inquired, as Harry and himself continued down the corridor.

"Yeah, I left it back in my dorm." Harry said. Just then, ron came running down the hall.

"What's wrong Ron?" Harry asked, as Ron breathed heavily.

"Gryffindor. Common room. Dorm. Mess." Ron rambled out.

"What?" Raven asked.

"What I mean is... Someone trashed our dorm Harry." He said, finally catching his breath.

"Bloody hell!... But no one else knows our password!" Harry shouted.

"Apparently someone does!" Ron said.

"You two better get back to your dorm and investigate. I'll check with Slytherin and make sure none of them broke in." Raven said. Harry and Ron nodded quickly and began to run towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Oi, Raven I've been looking for you!"

Raven turned around to see Blaise calling to him.

"What is it?" Raven inquired.

"I was gonna ask you the same bloody thing." He said.

Raven cocked his head to the side.

Blaise gave a look like he was going to slap his forehead.

"Mcgonagall wants us all to meet, says there's something she wants to tell us." Blaise explained, causing Raven to make an "oh" face.

He followed his fellow Slytherin friend down the corridors until they reached a large mass of students crowded in the hallway.

Behind them, Raven spotted Ron and his brother coming back from their common room, and joining the large group of people.

"I'm afraid I have terrible news." Professor Mcgonagall said solemnly.
Professor Dumbledore was even there, and he nodded to her.

"A student has been taken by the monster...I want you all to remain in your common rooms."

There were whispers all around the hall, and students begining to panic.

"Who is it that was taken?" Someone asked.

"Ginny Weasley..." McGonagall answered.

Ron, across the hall. Looked mortified at Raven's twin. Harry also looked awestruck. Raven's face scrunched up, and he took a deep breathe. He turned around towards the opposite side of the hall, pushing past other Slytherins and hufflepuff's.

"Raven? What are you doing?" Pansy asked, as her and Blaise turned around to face thier friend.

"I have to go.." Raven muttered, he quickly pulled off the Raven chain necklace that Draco had given him, and handed it to Blaise.

"Watch it for me will you?" He requested, before turning around and bolting down the hallway.

   Before Blaise or Pansy could object, Raven had already gotten to the next corridor.

      "Raven wait up!" Harry called to his twin.

     Raven turned around to see him and Ron running after him. He stopped running for a moment, letting the catch up, and then it wasn't long before they reached the chamber. Well...the bathroom.

ghosts ~ raven potter x draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now