chapter ten: quidditch

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    Draco noticed Raven's strange behavior. Sometimes his friend would go from beating himself up about people thinking he was the heir, to not caring at all. This confused Draco, but he tried not to pay it much attention.

   Raven was in his dorm after class writing excessively in a leather bound notebook (not the diary).

    "Haven't you already finished your homework Raven?" Draco asked, changing into his quidditch uniform.

     "Mhm..." Raven hummed, flipping the page and dipping his quill back into the ink and continuing to write.

    "Then what are you writing?"

    "Spells." Raven said quickly, trying to keep focused.

    Raven had visited Dumbledore the other day, the headmaster had warned him, if he kept studying and crafting his own spells all day, he wouldn't have time to be a kid. Make friends, have fun, play quidditch. But the boy continued to study, writing his own spells, brewing potions, and other things. The headmaster suggested he join the quidditch team, but Raven refused the offer.

    "You know, it's not too late to join the team. Were going to practice right now." Draco said, as his friend finally set down his quill. He raised an eyebrow at Draco.
    "Come on, at least come and watch. You know, to see if you wanna do it. The quidditch captain will probably even let you on a broom to see which position you'd play." Draco tried to convince him.

    "Hmm.." the boy hummed, drumming his fingers across his notebook.

    "Fine." He said, getting up.

    Draco smiled, and lead the boy out to the quidditch pitch.

"Ah Raven, so you've decided to join us." Felix, the slytherin quidditch captain said.

"Well, I haven't completely decided yet." Raven mumbled.

"Ah trust me. Once you get on that broom you'll be sure." He said. Draco turned to Raven, holding out his nimbus 2001.

"I-Uh eh- what." Raven stuttered.

"Go on then." Draco said, pushing the broom towards him.

"But that's your-"

"Just get on it Raven." Draco cut him off. Raven hesitantly took the broom, holding it out in front of himself as it raised in the air. Raven took a deep breath and got onto it, floating just a few feet about the ground.

"Let's see how you handle this shall we?" The captain said, releasing a bludger.

Raven flew up higher as to avoid the ball, but it followed him up, so he began to dodge it every which way, even flipping around on the broom. He flew in circles, back and forth, up and down, until finally he grabbed the bloody bludger that was after him, and brought It to the ground.

Getting off Draco's broom, the captain took the bludger from him, putting it away.

"Well done. Want to play as a beater?" The Slytherin quidditch captain asked, after struggling to get the bludger back in its place.

Raven tripped on his thoughts. Maybe he should play...maybe the headmaster was right. If he spent too much time trying to be the greatest wizard in the school, he wouldn't have time to live a little.

"Alright." Raven nodded.
The other Slytherins on the team congratulated him, as he was given his quidditch uniform and they continued their practice while teaching Raven how to properly play as a beater.

Later however, a certain monster attacked a muggle born again. This time though, this time is was Hermione Granger.

"It seems like she was just in the hospital though." Ron said as Harry and Raven walked on either side of him, getting back from potions class.

"Why was she in before?" Raven asked.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, not wanting to bring up when Harry and Raven had argued because they were over it now.

"When we used the polyjuice potion, Hermione's went wrong...but anyway." Harry said trying to change the subject.

"I think the reason no one has been killed yet is because they all hadn't looked the thing directly in the eye." Raven suggested.

"Your right, Norris saw it in the water reflection, Collin saw it through his camera...Hermione through the all makes sense." Harry went on.

Ron just nodded along with the two, knowingly.

"There you are Potter." Draco said from behind the three.

Harry and Raven both spun around, Harry giving Draco a look of disgust, while Raven cocked his head at his best friend.

"I mean, Raven." Draco corrected himself, causing Harry too turn back around and join Ron In going back to Gryffindor tower.

"What is it Draco?" Raven asked, almost tripping over his own feet as he caught up with Draco to get back to the Slytherin common room.

"Just wondering, would you mind showing me some of the spells you put in that notebook?" The blonde asked curiously, eyeing the book underneath the Raven heads arm.

"Hmm...nope I'm not gonna show ya." Raven laughed.

"Git! Why not?" Malfoy folded his arms across his chest as they reached the common room.

Raven plopped down on the couch, grabbing another book and beginning to read, while answering his friend.

"Because they're my spells. I crafted them myself." He said.

"No...really?!" Malfoy asked in disbelief.

"Yeah.." Raven muttered, kicking his feet up. He now had his back laid on the couch and his head with a book on it. His feet however, were propped up and swinging back and forth.

Draco sat down on the comfortable sofa as well and leaned back, closing his eyes.

After a short while Draco began to nod off, until he felt a weight in his lap. Raven had decided to rest his head on his lap.

"The bloody hell are you doing?" Malfoy asked, trying to shove him off.

"Sorry but this is comfortable, I'm not moving." Raven said, with a yawn.

Malfoy scowled, feeling heat rise to his face but shaking it off.

"Fine..." Draco grunted, as Raven happily continued to read his book, "quidditch through the ages." :)

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