chapter twenty six: salazar's private diary

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Raven slammed his head into his book, not concerned about being watched because he was alone in the library. He groaned, picking his head up and closing the book. He slid the book back in his bag, along with his notebook where he kept his own spells. The slytherin stood up and roamed the shelves of the library, wishing he could go back in the restricted section to find the purple book again. However, last time he'd checked for it, it was gone.

He saw a book with light green binding, and looked like it hadn't been touched in ages. Which it probably hadn't, the book was called "Book of Magic." It was so generic looking.

'who' actually read this?' Raven thought.

"Ah, fuck it." He muttered, pulling the book from the shelf. Until suddenly, it stopped. It was like he couldn't pull it out. He felt something almost latch onto it, and the shelf turned around.

"Bloody....what?" Raven was confused.

'a secret shelf?' it was hidden in such plain sight it was almost cruel that no one had come across this yet. The book had so much dust on it, it was probably almost 100 years old, if not older.

Behind the shelf, was a small safe.

"Alohamora." Raven whispered, whipping his wand out.

The safe didn't open.

'Damn whatever is in here must be pretty special if there's a protection spell on it.' Raven thought.

The lock had a pad on it, to put in a code. There were 8 letters.



Raven hummed, the gears in his mind turning and twitching to think of a way to solve this.

That's when he saw it.

"Aha!" He whisper yelled in excitement as he figured it out.

'S for Salazar, G for Godric, H for Helga, R for Rowena.' he thought as he out the letters in. The safe clicked open.

"That was almost too easy." He muttered opened the door to the safe.

There lay a diary. It wasn't like Tom Riddle's Diary. It was silver, and leather bound, with gold linings on it.

And real big, on the front, was his house crest. With small letters underneath, saying "Property of Salazar Slytherin."

"Wicked!" Raven exclaimed, still trying to remain quiet, and looking around to make sure no one else had entered the library.

He bagged the notebook, and closed the safe. He then pushed the shelf back into place, and pressed the book back into it, causing it to click, as if it was locking itself.

He then cast a charm to return the book in the shelf, to it's original, dusty state.

He rushed back to his dorm, ignoring shouts from a few of his friends across the corridors.

When he got back, he was glad to find his boyfriend still hadn't returned. He set his bag on the bed, pulled out the diary excitedly and began reading.

"What secrets do you have?"

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